Chapter 23: Shadows of Danger

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As they left the amusement park, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of confusion and inner turmoil that had washed over her. The kiss with Jimin had left her in a state of disarray, her heart torn between two men who had become inextricably woven into her love life.

The car ride back to Jin's penthouse was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Y/N couldn't bring herself to look at Jimin, her mind weighed down by the choices she had made.

Jimin, on the other hand, wore a faint smile, his thoughts known only to himself. He navigated the roads with a sense of purpose, driving them back towards Jin's luxurious penthouse.

As they arrived at the penthouse, Y/N had fallen asleep during the drive, her exhaustion catching up with her. Jimin turned to wake her, but she slowly stirred and opened her eyes, realizing they had reached their destination.

Y/N asked if they had arrived home, and Jimin confirmed it with a nod. They left the car and approached the entrance, where Jin awaited their return.

Jin, worried about Y/N's well-being, immediately rushed to her side. He checked to ensure she was unharmed, his relief palpable. Jimin, witnessing Jin's concern, couldn't help but feel confused by his boss's actions.

Jin turned to Jimin and instructed him to meet in his main office, promising to explain the reason behind his actions. He expressed his gratitude that Y/N was safe, and with that, they made their way to the office.

Inside, Tae and Yoongi stood guard, their expressions serious, ready for any possible threat. Jimin, still unsure of what was happening, waited for Jin to reveal the reason for his anxiety.

As Jin began to explain, he revealed a piece of bloody, ominous evidence. It was a note, a message from RM, the menacing figure who had long been a threat. Jin showed the note to Jimin, his voice grave.

"We received information that RM is in the area," Jin explained. "He's plotting revenge and specifically targeting Y/N for interfering with his plans."

Jimin's eyes widened in alarm as he read the note. The warning from RM was chilling, a reminder of the dangers they faced. Jin's determination to protect Y/N was evident in his every word.

"That's why Tae and Yoongi will be guarding the penthouse," Jin continued. "Our priority is to keep Y/N safe at all costs."

Jimin nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The shadow of danger loomed over them, and they had to be vigilant in protecting the woman they both cared for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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