Chapter 15: Shadows of Memory

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The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months as Jin and Jimin stood next to Y/N's side, hoping for any sign of her memories to return. They took her to see Doctor Hoseok and Assistant Doctor Jungkook regularly, seeking updates on her progress.

As time passed, however, it became increasingly clear that Y/N's memories remained locked away. The amnesia was a stubborn barrier, refusing to yield even a hint of the life she had once known. It was a cruel twist of fate that tested the strength of their love and resolve.

One day, while alone in her room, Y/N happened upon a sketchbook. Its pages were filled with intricate drawings, a testament to her talent and creativity. As she flipped through the pages, one particular sketch caught her eye. It was a portrait of a man with striking features, his eyes filled with an intensity that seemed both captivating and dangerous.

A small spark of memory flickered within Y/N, a fragment of a moment that felt both familiar and distant. She recalled meeting this man, the one in the sketch, in a cafe. She remembered his words, how he had expressed a genuine interest in her art. It was a small glimmer of her past, a thread of connection to a world she had lost.

In that moment, Y/N felt a mixture of hope and trepidation. She wanted to share this discovery with Jin and Jimin, to let them know that there was a glimmer of her old self still alive within her. But a voice in the back of her mind warned her against it. She couldn't shake the feeling that these men were dangerous, that revealing even this small memory could put her in jeopardy once again.

So, Y/N chose to keep her discovery a secret, tucking the sketchbook away and burying the memory deep within herself. It was a decision born out of fear and uncertainty, a desperate attempt to protect herself from a world that felt both alluring and perilous.

As the days went on, Y/N continued to navigate the challenges of her amnesia, treading carefully around the fragments of her past. Jin and Jimin remained steadfast in their love and support, never giving up hope that someday, somehow, Y/N's memories would find their way back to her.

The shadows of memory hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the uncertain path they walked. And in the midst of it all, Y/N grappled with the choice she had made, wondering if keeping this secret would ultimately shield her from the dangers that lurked in the shadows of her forgotten past.

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