Chapter 20: Morning Surprise

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The night had been a sleepless one for Y/N as she couldn't stop thinking about the sweet, unexpected kiss she had shared with Jin. As the first rays of the sun painted the sky, she decided to get up and prepare breakfast for herself.

With the scent of morning filling the air, Y/N made her way to the kitchen. However, as she entered, she was greeted by a delightful surprise. Jin, with his broad shoulders, was busy cooking breakfast, his movements graceful and skilled.

Jin sensed her presence and turned to look at her, a warm smile gracing his lips. The memory of their kiss still lingered in his mind, and it brought a hint of playfulness to his eyes.

He prepared a cup of coffee for her, admitting with a chuckle, "I'm not the best at making coffee, like you are, but I'll do anything to make you happy and feel at home."

Y/N couldn't help but blush at Jin's words and the charming smile that accompanied them. She felt a sense of comfort and warmth in his presence, a feeling of being cherished and cared for.

As she sat down to enjoy her breakfast, the sound of footsteps approaching drew their attention. Jimin entered the kitchen, a cute and sleepy expression on his face as he rubbed his eyes. He yawned and greeted them with a soft "Good morning."

Jin and Y/N exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the complexity of their love triangle. But in that moment, as they sat together in the cozy kitchen, sharing a meal, they found a sense of normalcy and togetherness that they cherished.

The complexities of their love story and the dangers that loomed on the horizon would always be present, but in those simple moments, they discovered the power of love to bring warmth and happiness to their lives. And as they enjoyed their breakfast, they knew that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead as a united front, their love stronger than ever.

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