We're leaving tonight

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Olivia's: POV


February 15th 1692: Salem

I was sitting on the couch in the living room and read a book about dark magic. Outside the snow was falling down. I used my powers to lit more candles in the room. My daugther came and I saw the fear in her eyes. Her brothers came a second later.

 Her brothers came a second later

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"Alex, what's wrong?" I asked. "They're taking people to the square." she said. "What." I replied shocked. "We saw a man lighting a bonfire on the way home." said Adam. I snapped my fingers and the candles went out. I locked every window and doors. My children looked worried at me.

"Many women has been accused for using witchcraft." said Aiden. "That's awful." I replied. "Grandma." said Alex scared. "Don't worry, I will warn her tonight." I replied calmly. "No mother, it's too dangerous." said Adam. "I'll be back before you know it." I replied and he nodded his head. I hugged my children and they smiled. "I love you all with all my heart, I don't let anybody hurt you." I said. "We love you too." replied Aiden.


I walked through the dark and quiet town. I could feel the smell of burned human meat and my stomach turned inside out. I came to her house and I knocked on the door. Mother opened and let me in. I took off my hood and looked at her.

"Olivia, what's going on?" asked Maria worried. "People have been convicted of witchcraft and taken to the square to be burned." I said. "Oh my." she replied shocked. Ray put his arm around his wife's shoulder.

"You and Ray have to get out of here, leave the town." I said. "I won't leave you or my grandchildren." she replied. "It is for your own safely." I said. "He's right, Maria." replied Ray. "We're leaving tonight." she said. "Good." I replied.

-End of the flashback-

Olivia cares about his family

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