Chapter Two - His Eyes

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Cheyenne's POV

"Hi I'm Charlotte, which I'm pretty sure you already know and I'm the schools head girl" said the girl who helped me up after my little argument with the door.

"Hi I'm Cheyenne and I'm here for a fresh start" I said, not giving too much away as I don't want people reminding me of my past.

After all the introductions, the group seemed alright... I mean it was kind of cynical, it had the queen bee, the jocks, the geeks and the quiet ones. Pretty cliché if you ask me. I didn't care though I just wanted my colleague days to be over and to forget what happened at my old school and hope history didn't repeat itself.

You see at my old school, I was at the top of hierarchy. I wasn't the queen bee or anything, I was just in the wrong crowd who did wrong things that led to bad consequences, hence why I'm here. I got expelled and was told never to come back, which made my folks kick up a stink and they sent me packing to Malibu to stay with my auntie Sue. I didn't like the idea at first but after a while it sunk in that I had no other option than to go. They literally dropped me off at the airport, bought me a one way ticket and voila.

When I first got here, I hated it. My aunts house was a mid-terrace painted in pink and everything in side was... well pink. The only good thing about staying there is I could learn the area during my morning and afternoon runs, and oh, my bedroom was white not pink.

I think the only reason for that was my parents spoke to my aunt before hand and explained I was not into pink, at all. Thank heavens.

As I was sat here doing my own thing as I was told that's what tutor groups are for, I noticed a boy starring directly at me, well it must have been me because when I checked if there was anybody sat near me there was nobody there. I smiled back, being polite. I think his name was Sam, I couldn't really remember from the introductions because to be honest I wasn't paying much attention. I never do.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eyes I noticed the boy get up and move to the seat next to me.

"Hi I'm Scott, but just call me Scotty! Everybody else does" he exclaimed.

So his name was Scott not Sam, oops.

"Hi I'm Cheyenne and I don't like my name shortened or extended" I retorted back with my usual cheeky smile.

"Nice to meet you, where you from?"

"Rome, but I've been here throughout my whole summer so that's why my accent is mixed"

"I did wander about your accent but didn't wanna ask. What you up too this Friday night?"

"Probably go for my run and then watch re-runs of Awkward"

"Sounds fun but how about you come to a party my mate Gaz is throwing?"

"Maybe, I'll see how I feel"

After that we both exchanged numbers and he sent me a text with the party address.

The street sounded familiar from my runs, but I couldn't remember whereabouts it was. This was due to the fact I genuinely couldn't remember or I was too focused on his ocean blue eyes. They were nice...

Shut up Cheyenne!

Oops, I must have said that out loud as half of the class turn around to look at me. Dipsh**!

As the bell rang, signalising end of form, I thought maybe this place and this school wasn't too bad and Scott definitely didn't have anything to do with this opinion.

I think I have a crush on that boy! Focus Cheyenne, a crush isn't going to help you somehow by magic pass these tests and get back to Rome. No, no, no. This just won't do. Thoughts in mind, delete please?

But somehow they didn't listen and continue to last all day, even when I thought they were finishing Scott himself always walked past me to remind me. Damn. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Kill. Me. Now.

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