Chapter Six - Is this Goodbye?

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Ellie's POV

As I walked down the hall with Scott, hand in hand, singing and dancing... not literally. I could not be happier. You see me and Scott have a little bit of past. We use to be sex buddies but then I got feeling blah blah blah.

I'm sure I can change him, the only thing standing in my way is the new girl he chased after the party last Friday night but I am pretty certain she kissed Louis so he can have her and I can have my Scotty.

Speaking of the devil, we walked directly past Cheyenne's locker and she was just stood there gawping.

"What you starring at?" I asked her.

"Nothing worth worrying about!" she retorted back, the cheeky bitc*.

"Oh really, then stop gawping at my man, will yah?"


"Hey stop, I am not with you Ellie! You only grabbed my hand because you said you had a surprise for me, if this is the surprise then you can do one!" Scott exclaimed angrily.

"No this isn't it and I thought after Friday night you'd think of me as something" I replied.

"Friday night? Really?" asked Cheyenne with an angry look on her face.

"Yeah, we hooked up Friday night. Just after your departure!" I replied back not wanting to hide any detail.

"I've had enough of this, goodbye!" Scott shouted and ran towards the entrance of the college.

"Nice one" Cheyenne retorted trying not to burst out laughing this time.

Her change of moods completely baffled me, first she had the guts to be angry at the fact me and Scott did the deed on Friday night and now she is laughing because he has ran away and left me. Don't worry sunshine, this isn't the last time you'll see me and Scott together. I can promise you that.


Scott's POV

I ran out of the college's entrance because I was sick to death of Ellie's bitching and her trying to gloat about the mistake that happened Friday night. I didn't want to kiss her but I had to. I guess my mind has a revenge mechanism so if somebody does something to me I have to do it back intentionally.

I didn't want to sleep with her either but she seemed so genuinely nice to me on Friday night after I told her about the Cheyenne and Louis fiasco, she just lured me in and I ended up sleeping with her again.

I'm going to need to add that to my book of mistakes...

I keep screwing things up without the meaning to do it and I couldn't stand to see Chey angry after Ellie's outburst couple of minutes ago.


Charlotte's POV

After Friday night I decided not to speak to Niall all weekend, I felt guilty even though I didn't kiss Gary, he kissed me. So when Monday rolled around I was struggling with words and how was I going to tell the most genuine guy I know that I kissed one of the jocks. Argh, I screamed internally.

"Hey babe" Niall came into my room without knocking.

"Hey, I've got something to tell you"

"What's up? What's happened?" He asked genuinely worried.

"I went to the party on Friday night as you know and I ended up arguing with Gary and I... kissed him, well I didn't kiss him, he pulled my face and kissed me. I pushed him off straight away, I'm so sorry"

"You did what?" He asked trying to keep his cool.

"He kissed me" I repeated with tears falling down my eyes. He looked hurt, really hurt and it was all my fault.

"Right... I'm gonna go. I can't tell you right now what's going to happen once I have thought about all this but I will let you know" He said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Wait... I love you" I said, thinking it would make him come back and rethink his just said words.


That was the last word I got from him, the love of my life, the one I had planned a future with. I was devastated and decided to give school a miss today and asked my mother to ring in for me which she didn't mind because she said she heard every word of mine and Niall's conversation.

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