Chapter Seven -Caiall

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Niall's POV

I was fuming... well actually I don't think fuming describes how I felt right now. My girlfriend of 3 years was kissed by a college jock, known in other people's lives as Gary Beadle and it took her two day's to tell me. Why couldn't she tell me Friday night after it happened or even met me Saturday and talked about it. I did wonder why she kept so quiet over the weekend. I just didn't want to assume the worst until she told me what happened and explained herself.

I was currently on my way to the library, the only sane place for me to be until I decided what to do.

I grabbed 'The Notebook' - her favorite book and mine also since she got me to read it and I fell in love with it & I headed towards the nearest table where I saw Cara from my form group sitting and reading what looked like 'Paper Towns'.

"Hey, Cara isn't it?" I asked trying to be quiet as I didn't want to be shushed by the librarian.

"Yeah it is, hi Niall" she replied quietly too.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her and then realized how stupid that sounded, she was in a library and obviously she was here for books.

"Just reading, it's nice to get away from the nightmare that is our college"

"True things"

"What have you got to get away from? You're going out with Charlotte and you two have an amazing relationship so why would you hide?"

If only she knew...

"It's not actually that perfect, people just expect that because she's Head Girl but really it isn't all what people think it is"

"How so?" She asked innocently.

"Long story, I'll let you get back to your book" and with that I moved over to where the beanbags where located and sat there endorsed in The Notebook even though from the corner of my eye I could see Cara glancing at me every so often.


Cara's POV

Niall was so fascinating. He had deep blue eyes that I could stare at for ages and his obviously colored blonde hair suited him very well. I wasn't creepy but if I had to chose somebody to be with at this place he would definitely be my number one choice.

The thing is he is with Charlotte and if I ever tried to make a move (if I wasn't too shy) I still couldn't as she is the Head Girl and would probably stampede on me like I was a little creepy crawly.

I still would like to know what he meant about him and her not being what it seems... Hmm, I guess I will find out sooner or later from the Rumour Mill which comes out in like a couple of days time.

I wasn't that impatient, I could wait till then but if they didn't have anything on this subject I could maybe give a hint or two to my friend Rosa who's also in that paper.


Calvin's POV

I took the disabled lift to the library and wheeled myself out of the lift and onto the library floor when I spotted a familiar blonde talking to a familiar ginger, I decided to take a photo of them as they seemed deep into their conversation. I think these photos would be of great interest to Rita who's the head editor for the Rumour Mill.

Somebody has already tipped Rita about Gary Beadle kissing Charlotte Bow. I mean it was only going to be a matter of time until that silly slu* let it slip and kissed somebody else. Niall is too good for her and Charlotte's classy act was definitely going to break soon. I mean does anybody actually believe her act and Cara and Niall might actually become the college's power couple.

I don't ship Chiall but I do ship Caiall.

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