Strange Realizations

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        The boys woke up pretty early. You were still sleeping, but they went downstairs anyway and entertained themselves with whatever was there. It didn't take too long until they got pretty restless. They were hungry, and none of them could cook. "Is she awake yet," Allen said. He was lying in the middle of the floor. They were all bored out of their minds at the moment. "Nope," said Alfred from the other side of the room. Maybe they could reach something that didn't need cooking. Even though they had grown, it still wasn't enough to do much. They could reach the top of the counter in the kitchen maybe, but not all the way back, and that was where the food was. "Should we wake her up?" Alfred said, walking towards the kitchen. "Well there's no point in waking her up if we can get the food ourselves," James walked into the kitchen after him.
Matthew followed. "How? We can't reach anything." Allen was the last to enter that part of the room. "We can climb on the counter."
"And what if one of you falls?" Matthew said. Of course, he was worried about his brother. Allen walked over and put a hand on his head. "Don't worry, we'll be fine!" he smiled. Matthew tried to return his smile and failed. Allen was already dragging a chair over to the counter. "We could have helped you up," Alfred said, turning away from his worried brother. Allen proceeded to climb up on the counter, ignoring Alfred. "Al..." Matthew said softly. His brother didn't hear him and stood on the chair behind his 2p. "What's in the cabinets?" he said to the one on the counter. "Nothing but tea," he replied. Alfred shook his head. "We need food, not tea!"
"They why don't you come up here and look then!" Allen shouted. So, Alfred did. James stood back and watched with Matthew. The went through the cabinets, looking for something other than fruit. After a while they thought they found something. Alfred shouted triumphantly along with Allen. As they went to climb off the counter Allen lost his footing and fell, pulling Alfred down with him. The result was two boys laying on the floor, not really moving, but complaining about their heads hurting. Matthew panicked of course and, not that you could tell, but James was a bit worried about them too. Matthew told him to go upstairs, so he did not wanting to give the other boy another panic attack. He ran up to your room. "Hey, miss," he called into the dark. "Are you awake?" No response. He walked in the room and came to the edge of the bed. You were still sleeping. So, being a child, he poked you.
you shifted slightly, but still didn't wake up. After a bit more poking you woke up. When you saw his you sat up slowly. "What is it James?" you said through a yawn. "And why is your face all red? Are you feeling alright?" He nodded now. He hadn't even noticed how red his face was. "Yeah, but Allen and Alfred fell off the counter downstairs. Now you were really awake. You jumped up and ran downstairs, not bothering to change into anything warmer.

With a sigh, you sat the two injured boys down. Luckily, nothing was broken. You were still cross. "Why didn't you just come upstairs and wake me up?" you said as calmly as you could manage. "We just didn't want to wake you up so early...." Alfred said. Allen remained silent, but they both looked rather upset with themselves for making you upset. You calmed a bit. "I don't mind it. You're here so I can take care of you. if that means waking me up early just so you can have some food then so be it. Now, are you two feeling alright?" They both nodded and you sat down at the table. They looked up at you. "Aren't you cold?" Allen asked. Alfred chimed in. "Don't you usually change into something else?" You nodded, realizing that you were still wearing summer like attire, and this definitely wasn't the weather for that. "Well I forgot because someone wanted to jump off a kitchen counter."
"I didn't jump!" they both shouted. You smiled at them both and ruffled the hair on their heads. "Okay, I'm going to go change since you two are so worried. No more trying to fly alright?" Then, you went upstairs. They all watched as you left. It didn't take long for three of them to turn and mock each other because they were blushing. Yet still, they were confused. What exactly was happening here? Meanwhile you were upstairs, not having a single idea about what was going through their heads.

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