𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𓇽

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I just finished cleaning the kitchen after supper. Diego still wasn't talking to me, and Papa was passed out in his bed, out for the night. Rafe was coming to get me around 8 so I could go relax with him at his house for awhile. I made it very clear I was going as his friend and nothing more, it was something he seemed to have trouble with. I know I am not over JJ yet, and he is well aware of that too. He just expects me to forget JJ existed and just be with him, but I didn't want to do that.

I went up to my room and got ready. Looking at my closet, finding nothing that fit with the vibe I was going for. I threw on some leggings and a crew neck and called it a day. My hair was in a claw clip, nothing special, but Rafe didn't need anything special. I sat in the living room, scrolling threw my phone waiting for his message.

Once I got it, I hurried out of the front door. He was standing beside his car, waiting for me.

"Hello mrs. Martinez"

"Hello mr. Cameron"

He gave me a hug, his hands sliding dangerously low. I backed away and gave him a stern look. He gave me his usual grin in return.

"The outfit is beautiful sweetheart, what did u expect?" he responded, innocently.

I got in his car and we drove to his house in silence. I could tell he wanted to start a conversation, but I enjoyed the peace. It gave me a couple more moments to think before we got to his house. The plan was to just watch some movies until midnight, but I knew he would try to get us to do something else.

We got to his house and we walked toward the door. Once we got inside, he slipped his arm around my waist, guiding me threw the halls until we got to his room. It was evident I was not comfortable with his hand like that, but he didn't care. He wanted his hand there, so that is where he would put it. We finally got to his room, and he went to open to door, that's when I saw Sarah. She could see the discomfort in my eyes, anyone could. Her face was a mix of confusion, disgust and worry. She didn't know whether to be mad that she was seeing me and Rafe, or be worried of what her brother was planning on doing with me.

Rafe realized she was there, and pushed me quickly in his room. Not allowing any words to be exchanged between the two of us. Hopefully, my eyes said enough, so she wouldn't go and tell JJ I was happily moved on with Rafe, but trapped with him instead.

Once I was in his room, he closed the door and locked me in there while he went to yell at Sarah. My hands started to shake, and I wanted to go home. I was locked in his room, I couldn't leave. I was trapped.

"Sarah what the fuck are you doing here?"

"I live here Rafe, I can be here whenever I want"

"You're so annoying, like a fly that won't just leave"

"What are you doing with her Rafe? She is a nice girl, too nice for you."

"What are you talking about? She voluntarily came here."

"She was uncomfortable Rafe! I saw it in her face"

I knew this wouldn't end well. I just wanted to go home, but I couldn't because I was trapped. Stuck in a psychos room while he yelled at one of my old friends. I started to bang on the door, giving him the hint to open the door. But I regretted it the second after.

"Shut up Briella! Just wait until Sarah is gone and we'll watch the fucking movie" he demanded, anger obvious in his tone.

"You- she is locked in you room right now? What is wrong with you, you're a psycho, let her out"

"Sarah, we are going to watch some movies to get her mind off of things ok? You aren't supposed to be here. Just go back with your Pogues where you belong."

"She's a Pogue to Rafe, don't forget that!"

"She is my Pogue, there is a difference?"

"Does she want to be?"

After she said that, Rafe yelled and you could hear Sarah running away from him. I was terrified, he would come back in here in a horrible mood and I knew I couldn't leave. My hands were shaking uncontrollably, waiting for him to return. There was no more sounds coming from the hallway, they must have been downstairs. I sat on his bed, trying to calm myself down.

"Hey, sweetheart I'm sorry" he said calmly as he unlocked the door.

"Rafe, stay away from me, please I just want to go home." I said sternly, not wanting this night to continue.

"No, no you don't. Were going to watch a movie, like you said. Don't start lying to me Brie"

"Please Rafe, I just want to go"

"No, fuck you lied didn't you? Said you would stay with me tonight but you lied. I don't like fucking liars." he said, as he started walking closer to me, his fist clenched.

"I'm sorry ok, I'll stay with you. We can watch a movie just like you-" I was cut off with a punch to the arm, so hard I fell back onto his bed.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as he grabbed me by my collar and slapped my face. Just like my father had done so many times. Once he realized what he was doing, he immediately put me back on the bed and gave me a hug. He started to cry as well, shaking in my arms.

"Briella, I'm sorry. I- She just got me so angry and I wasn't thinking straight"


"No, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you sweetheart. I would never hurt you."

I couldn't believe what he had just said. It was the third time he had laid his hands on me, fifth time he yelled at me. Rafe continuously hurt me, over and over again. My hands continued to shake, even after he left the hug to go get something from his closet. He grabbed two small boxes and came to sit right next to me. He slowly opened the box and I saw a beautiful pair of gold hoops, and a necklace with a B on it. I stared in awe at the gifts he was offering me, just after he slapped and punched me.

My gut told me to just leave, walk out of his room without the gifts. Then I looked at his face, he was truly sorry and looked like he was just as nervous as I had been a couple minutes ago.

"Rafe, you can't just give me gifts as an apology."

"I know, I was going to give them to you either way Brie, please don't leave"

I looked at him one more time, and sighed as I laid down on his bed, making sure I was comfortable for the movie I was about to watch. I knew my decision wasn't the right one, but I couldn't just leave him like that.

He joined me soon after he chose the movie and turned it on. I put my head on his chest as the movie played, his arm found it's way once again to my waist. I didn't bother attempting to move it, it was obvious he didn't understand that I didn't want him to touch me like that. The movie was alright, but when it was finished, his hand moved again. This time travelling through my shirt as he tried to pull me in for a kiss.

"Rafe- Rafe stop."

"What? Brie I thought this was going good."

"It is, but I told you we are friends Rafe, I don't want to be anything more."

"Yeah, because of the Pogue right? Whatever, I think it's time to drive you home sweetheart." he said, not bothering to look at me.

He might have been angry, but I felt no remorse for what I ad said. I didn't want to be in a serious relationship with him. The friends thing would be barrable if he would just respect my boundaries, but he obviously had difficulties with that.

The car ride was quite. Once we got to my house he gave my a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Briella, I'll call you tomorrow ok?" he asked.

"Ok Rafe, goodnight" I replied, glad the night was closer to being over.

I quickly, but quietly made my way to my room, and put on my pajamas. I immediately threw myself under the covers on my bed and just laid there, thinking about how different my days could be if JJ just kept his promise. I wouldn't be forced to deal with Rafe, Diego wouldn't hate me, and I would have more reasons to be happy. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind, reminding myself that I must move on from the boy. Maybe Rafe was the only way I could, even if it would be torture, it would get the job done.

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