it was 5:30 in the evening .. almost close to getting dark and I was heading over to Carla's and Amy's. not having a single thought about anything at all. my mind was like a foggy feeling and just empty from everything going on right now in LA. It's like I just wanted everything to go how it's supposed to happen just for it to end so it could be over with. my parents already left out of the city to protect themselves since I forced them to and yes ... it hurt me Alot to say goodbye to them because I knew I have to move again too, and they would have too as well. still driving to Amy and Carla's I realized how much I'm almost going to miss driving in the city either at night or in the evening. the sunset was just beautiful, and I was Going to miss it more than anything. I finally arrived at Amy's and Carla's and luckily, I saw their cars in the driveway, so I knew they were home just from the start. I grabbed my duffle bag and my backpack along with my purse and headed inside to see my friends, " Amy! Carla! you here?! " I began looking around for them but none of them responded. I didn't mind because I'd figured they were in the backyard, or they went for a walk around their neighborhood. I dropped my bags off in the guest room and went back downstairs to grab the groceries I bought and went back inside and set their alarm to lock the door. I walked in the kitchen to put the ice cream and the frozen stuff away along with the snacks, drinks and other items. I began to go relax on their couch and scroll on Instagram until they came inside, minutes go by and already dozing off from sleep .. Carla and Amy Haven't come home yet and I started to get worried and began calling them and leaving them text messages. finally, Amy responded in the group chat. " Hey Sols, we're coming! we went for a walk so Carla could do some tricks on her motorcycle 🙄" and Carla Responded, " and Amy enjoyed it 😏 but yes, we're heading back babes! " I smiled and laughed at their messages and went outside to wait on them since I missed seeing them and wanted to Carla to jump in my arms like she always does when sees me. hearing the crickets and just the wind really felt like peace, but it will turn into hell soon. but I didn't want to think that way ... it was a beautiful night that I wanted to admire for the last time. " SOLANE! HEY BABYCAKES!" shouted Carla. " CARLA BABY!" I shouted back and Carla was running towards me and jumped in my arms. " Hey, my girl! ahh I missed you! I'm so happy your here! " She said as she hugged me again. I hugged her back tightly as she was swinging me side to side like a hypnotize clock. Amy rode back down to the house on Carla's motorcycle, and she looked like she was fun for the first time. I walked towards her a little as she was doing donuts with Carla's helmet on, and she began to park and turn off the bike as she took the helmet off, she looked at me and smiled. " Omg! Solane ! " She said as she jumped off the bike and hugged me. we were happy to see each other after a while of not being able to from our schedules, I hopped on Caral's back, and we headed inside to begin out night. We Started drinking some wine, made some pasta and breadsticks and talked and laughed throughout the night. I even told them about the guy I met at the grocery store, and they were so upset I didn't get his number or even asked if he was single. " With all due respect ... you should've fucked him Solane just saying. " Says Amy as me and Carla laughed. " I mean you did pay for his stuff, so you should've said it anyways or gave him a hint you wanted him " Carla says. I really did like bruno .. he was sweeter than my ex I had been dating for almost 2 years. Me and him would constantly argue and he treated really bad that it affected my mental health. Carla said she wants me to find someone who loves for me and not just for my body or just my personality but more than that and Amy wants someone that is a gentleman and not an asshole to me or anyone. but... I don't want to rush myself since I haven't dated anyone after the abuse from my last ex. it was officially 10 o'clock at night and I was passed out on the couch and was hearing exploding sounds going on outside. I got up from the couch and my head was pounding from the wine we were drinking and looked outside, and the neighborhood looked completely ruined. our cars were still fine since They have a three-car garage, but I didn't see Amy or Carla near me and began panicking. " AMY! CARLA! GIRLS!" a door opened downstairs, and it was Amy coming out of the bathroom since she was on the floor asleep from being drunk. " hey... what's going Solane ? " She said as she's rubbing her eyes. " Amy ... it's happening. look outside. where's Carla? " I said to her. Amy walked over to the window and saw the neighborhood and it was no longer the way it always looked, she looked like she was going to panic or throw up. she had to figure out what to do since Los Angeles officially has gone to a nightmare. " Find Carla while I figure out a plan, okay? " Amy said. I nodded my head and searched for Carla and saw she was passed out on her bed in her room. I walked into her bedroom and shook her to wake her up since she was knocked out cold. she wakes up and is confused on why I'm Panicking, " sols what's going on? " Carla said. already figuring out a plan out myself, I looked at her looking stressed and scared and said " it's happening now Carla ... " I said. she jumped up from her bed and walked to her bedroom window and saw her new view ... she saw trees on fire and buildings from a distance on fire. she finally was facing her fear, but she didn't want to give up she had no choice but to be on survival mode. she grabbed my hand and demanded all of us to leave. as we are walking downstairs While holding Carla's hand she began talking to Amy. " what's the plan Amy? we can't stay here. our neighborhood is zombie zone." Carla said and before Amy could say Anything the Power and everything went out. We had to use our phone flashlights luckily are phones were at 100% or we would've been screwed. Amy then said " there is a plane that will take us out of LA and seems to me that's our plan but one of us has to figure out how to get there. " She says. plane? I immediately I Thought about Dani and Jacob ... did they already Land? where are they? I started to check my phone while Carla and Amy were talking and saw that Dani Texted me at 9:30 saying she and Jacob landed and are staying at hotel in downtown since the clubs started close early from the news about Santa Monica Being Affected. I was in good relief that Dani and Jacob are alive and safe, and Our phones were still working so I texted Dani and she if her and Jacob are headed to the plane to evacuate Los Angeles. Dani responded and said 'my darling! yes! get here soon! me and Jacob are leaving right now ... watch out ... everyone is infected and are now zombies be safe darling < 3 '. I responded and told her that I'll be heading there soon and told Carla and Amy that there's zombies out there and we have to be careful out there. they both looked very nervous, but we had no choice ... it was either survive or die from blood eating zombies so we can eventually be one. " Okay... Carla I'll run on foot ... and you take your bike and Solane you take my sports car ... " Amy says. Me and Carla did not agree with Amy's plan that we looked at her like she's crazy ... it wasn't safe for her to do that because Amy could get hurt or more than. " AMY ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Carla Said as Amy didn't look so happy about Me and Carla not agreeing with her. " No Amy! you're not doing that! " I said. " Amy, have you forgotten about your leg or what? " Carla says. "guys ... we have no choice. plus, I'll be fine I've ran in hundreds of marathons with no issues or problems. we have to do the plan. " suddently .. Amy was right. we didn't have no other choice at all, and if we don't leave now, we will be stuck here with zombies trying to reach us to kill us. Me and Carla Agreed with the plan and began getting ready to leave luckily there were no zombies in our neighborhood just yet so it was pretty quiet, but we had to be a little quiet or the zombies will find us and make it difficult to leave. we went to change in the garage since the windows in the house will also draw attention to the zombies from movement. I had on a black tank top with black cargo pants with plaid shirt to go over with my top with black dr. marten boots. Amy had on a red sports top with a fox head on the left side with fish-netting over the top, black and red jogging pants and black sneakers and as for Carla She's wearing a white tank top with a stylized 'D' just above the right breast, a fishnet black under suit, black, blue, and white pants with ALTA written on the right leg in yellow, and white motorcycle boots with a red and white cat head on the top. I grabbed Amy's keys to her sports car while Carla Opened the car Garage door and Amy was doing body warmups to begin her nightly run to the plane. " We ready girls? it's now or never " Carla says. Me and Amy nodded as we were all teary eyed from how scared we were of one of us not making it and we did a group hug to give ourselves comfort. " I love you guys be safe ... see you inside the plane, okay? " Carla Said. " I love you guys more .. meet you there and yes safety first " Amy says. there was so much going on in my head from all of this but like Carla said It's Now or never .. " I love you guys extremely more .. be safe ... see you there " I said. " let's hit the road girls " Carla says as she hopes on her bike and starts the engine, Amy gets into her running position and as for me ... I start the car and hearing the engine reviving puts my fight face on, Carla began Drive off after I drove off and Amy Ran Behind us and I was So proud of us for doing this in minutes of time. Driving so Fast passing Carla .. we waved at each other, and she took a short cut, so we went our separate ways to get the plane and I knew Amy was somewhere running because I just felt her presence somewhere in downtown ... and it was up to us to Stay Alive.

Gone City.
ActionSix Friends Fighting for Survival in The City of Los Angeles That Has Been Taken Over by Zombies ... Hard to Contact the Military That Caused the Zombie Outbreak ... It's Up to Them to Rescue Themselves from the City of Hell.