crashed in Hell-A: Page 4

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as I waited for Bruno to come back, Me and Emma were still Upstairs. I had suddenly fell asleep from the crying and just being really exhausted so Emma put me under the covers and left the room to let me sleep. I was sleeping peacefully in her cold and comfortable bed. I started dreaming about my parents and My friends but then that dream turned into a nightmare. I was tossing and turning, and it was so hard to wake up and Emma came back just in time to help me, I began to jump out of my sleep breathing hard that I was holding my chest and my other hand resting on my head. I sat back against the headboard still breathing hard from the nightmare I was having, and Emma held my hand and wiped some of the sweat off my face. " You okay sol? she said to me. that nightmare scared me that I didn't know to respond or even do anything. " Yeah, I'm okay, did Bruno come back? " I said with my eyes closed and my hand resting on my forehead. " Yeah, go ahead to the game room my love. take that fuzzy blanket with you to keep you warm." she said. I got up from her bed and took the fuzzy blanket to head down in the game room to talk to Bruno, Andrea had already lit the fireplace, so it was warm & cozy in there. I sat on the leather couch and looking through my photos on my phone and came across me and Amy's selfies ... I teared up again. I didn't want to lose her... I never lost a friend before, and I couldn't imagine Carla's reaction. I stared at that photo for a while praying I don't lose Amy. " Hey Solane , Emma told me you wanted to see me." Bruno said. " Omg!... You scared the shit out of me " I said. I saw his beautiful smile again and I heard him laugh and just something about him ... was just perfect. he was perfect in every way. he had the softest laugh that it was satisfying in a way. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, what's up? " He said as he chuckled and sat next to me with his elbows resting on his knees. " Nothing much ... just want to talk to you really since we didn't talk much in the grocery store and I want to get to know you and I'll tell you everything about me." I said and I placed my knees against my chest, and we began talking the whole night and it was the best. He was very sweet, gentle and gave me some advice about some things I told Emma about and some other things. we are making each other laugh till we couldn't breathe from our funny stories. Before the zombie attack, Bruno was A hustler and he's from Los Angeles and he was shocked that I was from Vermont because he says I give off LA vibes just from my personality ... and he saw that I was blushing from that, and he smiled. we talked more and more and was laughing a lot and as I was off guard laughing ... I felt him stare at me with nothing but his beautiful smile and his soft green eyes. I looked at him as I was still kind of laughing and blushing all at once. " What? why are looking at me like that? " I said with a smile and a soft chuckle. " Nothing... I just love talking to you plus ... You have such a beautiful smile and something about your laugh ... I just love it. " He said to me as he was looking at me. I began to blush and had gotten butterflies, and just before I could say anything " I'm going to protect you forever sols ... I promise. we're a team, okay? " He says. I smiled and said, " okay and thank you for the compliment. " He saw him blush for the first time as well and we then started being friends and even a team, but I know he wants to be more than just that, It's clearly all over his face. " Want a drink? " He asked me. " Yeah, I'll take one " I said walking over to the bar counter to sit on one of the stools. we drank some drinks and talked even more and got to know each other more. he then told me he had gotten bit after the plane crash and that's who I saw the zombies trying to get ... It was Bruno. he showed me the bite, but it looked like it already healed up, he said he's apparently immune. I asked him if someone is bit are they also immune ... I told him about Amy. " Sadly, she would need a vaccine like I do, I was at the hotel and there's a doctor who can help us. we just got to meet him." he said. I started to get worried again, I felt like a failure for not saving Amy or even trying to find her and the others. Bruno saw me about cry, and he came around the counter, he put my hair behind my ear and caressed my face with his thumb and wiped the tear off my face. " Hey... Hey... It'll be okay. Amy will be fine Sols..." he says to me. I began to cry again, and he hugged me. he couldn't imagine what I was Going through, I told him I felt like a bad person and a Failure all at once for not trying to find them to even help Amy, it felt like grief, but it was different from that. I don't want to be at the stage of seeing Amy die Infront of me. " Hey... look at me... I promise that you're not a failure or anything. we're going to help Amy the best way we can which is getting that vaccine okay? it'll be okay, be strong." he said as he was wiping my face from my tears. " What about you? ..." I said as my voice was breaking. he leaned and put his forehead against mines and held my hands and looked into my hazel eyes and said " nothing is going to happen to me ... I'm okay don't worry. I'm with you and I'm here for you " he kissed hands and pulled me into a hug. I then rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back hugging me back. after me and Bruno talked, I went to Emma and told her about some news with Bruno. we had to pack our things to meet the doctor for the vaccine and get out of here and go the hotel where the doctor is. Emma was kind of on board, but she wasn't ready just yet. she said it didn't sit right with her, but we told her we have no other choice ... Amy needs the vaccine like all of us even Bruno. As Bruno and Emma were talking, I heard yelling going downstairs and someone slamming stuff. I went downstairs to check who It was, and It was My friends, but it seems they were arguing about Amy ... she was on the couch, and she looked okay. " If we don't figure out what to do, she will die Jacob! we still need to find Solane! she fucking missing! I told you stay with her at all costs! Shouted Dani. " It doesn't matter now! yelling isn't going to solve anything!" Carla Shouted. I walked in Looking angry because they've been gone for hours, and I was worried sick. " So now ya'll come back! are you kidding! ya'll have been gone for hours! " I shouted. They all Looked shocked to see me, they thought something bad happened to me and I demanded them to tell me what happened to Amy. " There were a lot of zombie's sol ... we were all fighting them to kill them, and Amy missed her aim and one of them bit her, she's okay" Jacob said. " Dani, Carla and I made sure she was okay, and we went looking for you after the plane crashed ... we couldn't find you since you weren't with us when Amy got bitten " he added. I didn't what to feel at that point, we all apologized and looked to see Amy to see her Bite and It wasn't big at all, but I told them she will need a Vaccine to get it out her system. Bruno and Emma then came down to join in the conversation. Carla pulled me to the aside to talk to me just about everything, " if we don't find the vaccine ... what happens to Amy?... " Carla said and I looked her and said " she will die and turn into zombie ... Bruno will help us. it'll be okay Carls " I continued as I was cupping her face and gave her hug. She saw how Bruno was looking at me and I told her that we're talking but we haven't said what we are actually feeling. I also told her he's just a friend for now. she was really happy for me anyways; she said I finally found that someone who can actually put a smile on my face and not a fake smile and she then went to meet him. He then told Carla that he promised to protect me always and she hugged him for that. " Welcome to club my friend " Dani said as Carla hugged Bruno. we all became a big happy family that has to survive and get that vaccine for Amy and get the hell out of her one way or another.

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