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Winning the 72nd hunger games.
How was it possible? How could she- how was she able to do it? Suki Gallagher, better known as cottonmouth was able to win. The short but willowy girl had been able to win the hunger games at just twelve and made herself the youngest victor in history. She seemed so sweet and innocent at first. But unlike Johanna mason, she didn't cry to fool anyone. Unlike Lucy-gray Baird, she didn't have to "cheat" using snakes. It was just until her heart broke that drove her out. It was until her fellow tribute from district eleven had been killed that drove her to be temporarily conniving, brutal, manipulative. It was like a switch. Because right after the games she was simply back to normal. She didn't wanna seem crazy. But maybe she was. Her father had been imprisoned, her mother had went missing after giving up on her. Maybe it was just her bad situations. Maybe everyone is a killer when they're pushed far enough.


They always said you should beware of a woman with a broken heart. Who knew a snake could find so much in playing with a girl on fire?

                    THE COTTONMOUTH

                        THE GIRL ON FIRE

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               (Soon known as the mockingjay)

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(Soon known as the mockingjay)


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DISCLAIMER!: please be aware that I am not trying to claim any of these characters except suki Gallagher as my own! This is just a fanfic and so many of the things mentioned are from the mind Suzanne Collin's! I do not own the hunger games so all rights go to Suzanne Collin's. I only own my characters and their plot line(s)

WARNINGS!: this is a fanfic about the hunger games so it will include death wether mentioned/referenced or not implied and actually fully written out in detail. Same goes for child neglect and other traumas. Also feel free to hate on g*le, sn*w and co*n in the comments.!
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