𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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"Diego, come on you're going to be late for school!" I yelled, trying to make him move faster. I was off for the rest of the week, but he still had to go. Sadly, I still had to walk him and pick him up. Even when we are alone on our walks, he does a surprisingly good job at ignoring me. Not answering my attempts to start a conversation. He was mad that I wasn't talking with JJ, and he didn't like Rafe. He made sure I knew that, being the only things he will tell me.

He finally finished his hair, and made his way out the door, not bothering to acknowledge my presence. We both started our trip, in silence once again. No attempts to start a conversation, because I knew it was hopeless. We walked, quickly because he was most definitely going to be a couple minutes late.

I saw a bird flying across the street. Bright blue wings, with a stripe of green. Very unique, not one you would see on a daily basis. It was casually flying down the road, enjoying it's freedom, making beautiful songs with its chirping. It was hard to not pay attention to the creature, even Diego noticed it.

"Papa would like that bird, it would remind him of his home down south." he stated, no emotion is his voice. He was just sharing his thoughts out loud, I wouldn't complain. At least there was a chance for conversation today that didn't have to do with my poor choice of friends.

I looked at him more closely, trying to understand what was going on in this young boys head, he looked almost sad, lonely even. He wasn't used to this tension between us, and I knew it would end up taking a toll on him eventually.

"You know Diego, I'm sorry about JJ. If I could fix things with him, I would" I almost whispered, not wanting to admit that out loud. I was supposed to be over it, it had almost been a month. Somehow, JJ Maybank still found his way into my thoughts.

"I know Briella, he was just really nice, and you seemed happier with him around. Now you're always sad, and I'm always alone." he stated, still not speaking with any sign of emotion. The only indication of unhappiness was his face.

"I'm sorry Gogo, I'll try to spend more time with you. Tell Rafe that you come first, but I need you to start talking to me again." I replied, glad he was finally opening up after a week of silence.

"Alright Briella, I'll stop ignoring you then. You're picking me up from school right?" he asked, his tone more happy.

"Of course, where I usually am."

"Ok, bye Ellie"

"Bye Gogo"

This was good, one of my issues were resolved. Pressure taken off my shoulders. When Diego is happy, I am too. I can start working on properly forgetting about the Pogues now. Enough time has past for me to come to realize I was just another girl for them. If they won't take time out of their day to care about me, why should I?

I continued my walk back home, taking the time to enjoy the fresh air, and the sun's heat on my skin. It was a beautiful day, and I wanted to take advantage of it. I walked through the front door, and saw that Papa was in the back, on his third beer of the morning. I wasn't going to bother with him until tonight.

I entered my room and looked through my clothes until I found a decent bathing suit with a dress. Putting those on, hair in a low bun and calling it a day. Walking out the house with nothing but my towel, before heading down to the beach.

I made a quick stop at the market to buy some snacks for the day. Walking up and down the ails, looking for a some berries. I finally found the fruit section, when I noticed Pope standing right beside me. My hands immediately started to shake, not wanting to have any awkward conversations with any of the Pogues any time soon.

"Hey Brie, how is it going?" he said, not acting odd in the slightest.

"I'm living, so that's good enough. How about you?"

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