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As the morning rays of daylight came through the windows of the Sheriff's office the three adults grew concerned. They hadn't heard from their friends in hours so they were yet to know whether or not the woods had been a success. 

Riley lay on a couch with Aayla, running her fingers through her daughter's hair absentmindedly, eyes closed. She was unable to sleep after seeing the Nogitsune in her head, so she feigned rest as she lay with the young girl. Isaac was in the corner asleep in an armchair while Stiles was on his phone making calls - the FBI still had questions regarding him up and leaving in the middle of an investigation, apparently. 

Riley, on the other hand, had just asked a friend to cover her shifts. She would have to answer some of their queries when she got back, no doubt, but that was a problem for another day.

Rolling over in her mother's arms, Aayla woke up. She yawned heavily and stretched her small arms, looking at her surroundings. Thankfully, Eli had gotten her into the hamper quite fast so Aayla hadn't seen anything. The young girl just thought that last night had been a strange game, not understanding what had actually occurred. 

Her stomach grumbled as she wiggled out of her mother's arms. "Mum, I'm hungry," she frowned.

Riley sat up and looked around. In their rush, she had forgotten to grab the bag that had Aayla's snacks and drinks. "Dammit," she mumbled to herself before looking down at her daughter. "I don't have any food right now, sweetheart."

"But mum, I'm hungry," she repeated, eyes beginning to well up.

"I know," Riley sympathised, thinking things through quickly.
I'll have to go get your bag, we left it at Uncle Derek's. Can you wait until I get back?"

Aayla sniffled, nodding sadly, "Okay."

Finally off the phone, Stiles had gotten back in time to hear the end of the conversation. "Are we leaving?"

"No," Riley responded. "You and Isaac are going to stay here with Aayla, and I'm going to drive over to Derek's, get her bag and come right back."


"We're not arguing over this," she said, cutting him off. "I'm not taking her away from the station until Charlotte gets here. You're her father and Isaac is a werewolf, I know that you will both protect her."

Stiles's frown deepened, shaking his head, "I don't like this, Ri. At all."

"Either do I," she agreed. "But she's hungry and this situation is already confusing enough for her. I won't be more than thirty minutes. Do not leave the station."

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞 ▷ Stiles Stilinski³Where stories live. Discover now