Chapter 5: Copying Talent from a Ferocious Beast?

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TL: Etude

"Ferocious beast!!!"

Ye Tian had also been stunned.

He had never seen a ferocious beast, but he had heard that they were extremely terrifying. They could easily slaughter ordinary people, and the only ones who could deal with them were warriors.

Outside Linhai Base was a ring of walls, but sometimes the walls couldn't stop the ferocious beasts, and occasionally a beast would break into the base.

When ordinary people encountered a ferocious beast, there was only one outcome: death.

"I have to go home quickly!"

Ye Tian thought of his sister, Ye Yu. The house was not far from here, and the fragile walls were completely unable to withstand the ferocious beasts. He was very worried about his sister.

As he ran, Ye Tian vaguely saw a silver-white shadow darting back and forth at the end of the street, and one after another, ordinary people died under the shadow's attack.

"What a fast speed!"

Ye Tian was shocked.

Such speed had already surpassed the reaction speed of the eye. He was only watching from a distance; at close range, he would likely be killed by the ferocious beast without even seeing its shadow.

"If I encounter this beast, I will surely die!"

Ye Tian thought.

He would not foolishly believe that he was the protagonist who would never die in any situation, nor would he foolishly go and fight with the ferocious beast.

When faced with an unbeatable situation, the best course was to flee as quickly as possible!

Ye Tian was not foolish, so he ran.

Unfortunately, his speed was too slow compared to that of the ferocious beast, and the beast seemed to be charging in Ye Tian's direction.

Ye Tian knew that this beast was not targeting him, but if he encountered it, the beast would certainly not hesitate to kill him with a swipe of its claw.

"Scum, daring to kill in the base!"

Several warriors, led by a middle-aged man, rushed over and quickly surrounded the ferocious beast.

"Great, it's the Wind Wolf Hunting Squad!"

Someone shouted.

The Wind Wolf Hunting Squad?

Ye Tian knew the name of this hunting squad. It was a well-known squad in his area. The squad leader had a title called Wind Wolf and was a high-level warrior in the late stage, with more than a dozen early or middle-stage warriors under his command.

Seeing that the Wind Wolf Hunting Squad had arrived, many people breathed a sigh of relief, some even looking excitedly.

"Get out of the way, this ferocious beast is no ordinary one!"

The Wind Wolf squad leader yelled at the onlookers.

With this shout from the Wind Wolf squad leader, many people finally realized that watching a fight between warriors and a ferocious beast was not safe; if they were careless, they might die at the hands of the beast, and even the warriors might not have time to rescue them.

Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!

Everyone retreated, and Ye Tian also retreated far away but did not leave.

He also wanted to know what the combat power of a warrior was like.

Soon, the battle began!

The Wind Wolf squad leader's blade swung at the ferocious beast, the blade's light extremely dazzling in the night, obviously very powerful. The stone slabs on the street were slashed with a mark three meters long by the squad leader's blade.

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