Chapter 91: Breaking the Skin-Refining Limit!

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Chapter 91: Breaking the Skin-Refining Limit!

TL: Etude

Ye Tian moved at incredible speed, closing in on the Black Armored Bear within two instances of teleportation. He stopped about 500 meters away from it, concealed himself in a large tree, and restrained his aura. He chose not to hunt down the bear immediately. "First, copy!" With a mere thought, Ye Tian duplicated the Black Armored Bear's high-tier defensive talent and immediately began the process of integration.

Merging the high-tier defensive talent wasn't painful for Ye Tian; his consciousness remained clear. Even if a ferocious beast attacked him at that moment, he could counterattack in time, ensuring his safety.

Ten minutes passed. Ye Tian broke into a light sweat but successfully completed the integration of the high-tier defensive talent. "I can feel it. I'm close to making this high-tier defensive talent evolve. My previous speculation must be correct. As soon as I collect three high-tier defensive talents, they can be merged into a top-level defensive talent," Ye Tian muttered to himself.

At this moment, he was only missing one high-tier defensive talent to acquire a top-level one. Once he had that, he could attempt to break the "Three-Nine-Three" limit of skin refining.

"According to the data, Black Armored Bears usually live in male-female pairs. The one I just encountered was male; there must be a female nearby. If I follow it, I might find the female and copy another talent. Then the first top-level defensive talent will essentially be within my grasp!"

Thus, Ye Tian sensed the location of the Black Armored Bear. It had already run more than 4000 meters away and was currently locked in combat with a gigantic serpent.

This enormous serpent was a top-level ferocious beast, albeit a weaker one among its rank. While it was faster than the Black Armored Bear, it didn't focus on constricting it.

However, against a Black Armored Bear with high-tier defensive talent, its strength was akin to tickling. In the end, the serpent was torn apart by the bear and died on the spot.

The Black Armored Bear then dragged the serpent's corpse in a particular direction. "That serpent was unfortunate. Despite being a top-level beast, it got killed by a high-tier beast like the Black Armored Bear. If it had tried to escape, the bear wouldn't have stood a chance. Choosing to engage in melee was simply suicidal," Ye Tian mused, frustrated at the serpent's lack of wisdom.

"Follow!" Ye Tian teleported again, trailing the Black Armored Bear.

The bear had run several dozen kilometers before finally entering a mountain and a huge cave. Ye Tian didn't go in but used his copying ability to completely envelop the other Black Armored Bear inside the cave.

Species: Black Armored Bear

Bloodline Talent: High-tier

Strength Talent: High-tier

Defensive Talent: High-tier

"As expected, there is a female Black Armored Bear!" Excited, Ye Tian wasted no time in duplicating the female bear's high-tier defensive talent.

After successfully copying it, he didn't rush to integrate it but entered the cave. "I apologize, but I'd like your high-tier strength talents too. Since I can't copy it right now, I have no choice but to kill you both and keep your corpses to copy it in a month," Ye Tian mentally conveyed to the bears.

Killing beasts didn't make him feel guilty; humans were the real innocents here. Once living peacefully on Earth, they had their lives turned upside down overnight when spatial rifts appeared and unleashed countless ferocious beasts, killing untold numbers of humans. Over the past century, even more had died.

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