Chapter 113: Slaying the King Beast, Crisis Temporarily Averted!

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Chapter 113: Slaying the King Beast, Crisis Temporarily Averted!

TL: Etude

Ten minutes had passed.

The King Beast, Black-Back Battle Bear, had not been slain by Ye Tian. Though it was covered in wounds and bleeding profusely, saturating the ground into a pool of blood, it continued to fight with immense battle spirit.

Contrastingly, Ye Tian, while uninjured, had consumed much of his physical and magical energy.

At that moment, Ye Tian activated his pseudo-mystic level talent—Blood-Draining Talent.


A copious amount of the Black-Back Battle Bear's blood flew into Ye Tian's mouth, which he swallowed in one gulp to replenish his physical and magical strength.

Such was the horrifying capability of the Blood-Draining Talent; it allowed him to consume blood to regain strength, fueling him to keep fighting, whereas the Black-Back Battle Bear could not recover its own wounds or strength.

Ye Tian glanced back at the Linhai Base and frowned instantly, "There are too many beasts. At least tens of thousands of warriors have died. If this continues, Linhai Base won't hold!"

He made a decision immediately.


Ye Tian instantaneously appeared beside the eye of the Black-Back Battle Bear.


he struck through the eye of the Black-Back Battle Bear with all his might, letting his terrifying sword qi pierce into its brain.

At that instant,

the Black-Back Battle Bear slapped Ye Tian away.

As he was being flung through the air, Ye Tian activated two major talents—

"Pseudo-Mystic Defensive Talent!"

"Pseudo-Mystic Diamond Bone Talent!"

The two pseudo-mystic talents absorbed the King Beast's strike, allowing Ye Tian to withstand the attack, though his internal organs were still injured.

"Top-Level Healing Talent!"

Ye Tian's injuries rapidly recovered under the effects of the top-level healing talent.

But by then, the Black-Back Battle Bear let out a painful howl. Suffering brain damage was a critical injury for it.

Seizing this opportunity, Ye Tian repeatedly attacked the Black-Back Battle Bear using teleportation, targeting its eye wound each time.

After several strikes, the Black-Back Battle Bear grew increasingly weak until it eventually fell to the ground.

Confirming its death, Ye Tian didn't even have the time to collect its king-level beast blood; he immediately went to support Old Man Li and the others.

Ye Tian's teleportation range had greatly increased compared to before, each teleport spanning roughly ten kilometers. After multiple teleports, he arrived beneath the city walls.

He wasn't worried about being noticed, for people simply thought Ye Tian was extraordinarily fast.


With a swing of his sword, countless rays of sword light carried twenty percent of sword intent, annihilating numerous beasts, even top-level beasts found it hard to withstand a single sword ray.




Ye Tian's speed was incredibly fast, slashing through the hordes of beasts like mowing grass.

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