Chapter 96: Slaughtering the Dragon-Serpent Beast Horde!

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Chapter 96: Slaughtering the Dragon-Serpent Beast Horde!

TL: Etude

"We could give it a try. Beasts with dragon bloodlines aren't rare, it's just that the dragon bloodline in them is diluted. I recall reading that not too far from the Demon Sea Base there's a group of high-level beasts with dragon bloodlines. If we eliminate that group and use their blood to nourish the War Blood Sky Dragon Egg, it should be able to hatch," Ye Tian speculated.

Accordingly, he planned to locate this group of high-level beasts after breaking through the Bone Refining limit. For the next month, Ye Tian stayed put in his temporary cave dwelling, focusing on practicing the Purple Blood Bone Forging Technique and pondering over blade intent.

After expending a significant amount of high-level beast blood and nearly 29 days of time, Ye Tian finally broke through the Bone Refining limit. His entire skeleton seemed to come to life, and his Diamond Bone talent slowly began to merge with all the bones in his body.

Skin refining, flesh refining, bone refining.

He broke through the limits in all three aspects of his body. Now all that remained was to break through the Blood Refining limit and reach the Blood Replacement Transformation stage to complete the most crucial foundation of the "Nine-Five-Zero" system. Then, all that would be left would be to break the limits of his five internal organs and six hollow organs.

"It's time to find that group of high-level beasts imbued with dragon bloodlines," Ye Tian muttered to himself.


In a canyon 8000 kilometers west of the Demon Sea Base, lived a large group of beasts that had emerged from underground, known as Dragon-Serpent Beasts. These beasts possessed snake-like bodies and four claws but lacked the so-called dragon head and dragon horns. However, their strength was formidable, earning them the designation of high-level beasts. Among them were some extremely rare top-level beasts, but their numbers were scarce, fewer than 20.

Because Dragon-Serpent Beasts were relatively small, about one meter in size, they couldn't provide much blood, and their corpses were not highly valued. Hence, no powerful masters or King-level beings had bothered to exterminate them.

That day, Ye Tian arrived at the canyon.

As soon as he entered, about a dozen Dragon-Serpent Beasts discovered him and attacked. With a slight pinch, Ye Tian killed one of the Dragon-Serpent Beasts.

Next, he took out the War Blood Sky Dragon Egg and dripped the Dragon-Serpent Beast's blood onto its shell.

"It has to work," Ye Tian hoped.


A golden light flashed, and the Dragon-Serpent Beast's blood on the eggshell was absorbed.

"It really worked!" Ye Tian was thrilled.

Immediately, he put away the War Blood Sky Dragon Egg and began to frenziedly hunt the Dragon-Serpent Beasts.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

With each kill, Ye Tian collected the blood and stored it in his portable space. Eventually, there was no time to collect the blood anymore. So, Ye Tian dug a pit in the canyon, throwing the corpses of the Dragon-Serpent Beasts into it. A pool of blood formed.

"Top-level Dragon-Serpent Beasts are coming!" Ye Tian whispered to himself.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beams of light shot over, each carrying an overwhelming killing intent. Each beam represented a top-level beast, and there were more than 20 of them in total. In terms of strength, each top-level beast was stronger than an ordinary master, and 20 or so could match a powerful master. But Ye Tian was as strong as an extreme-level ordinary master.

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