Rant || stop the 'jokes'

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So for those who don't know me you won't be used to me complaining.

For those who do know me you know I complain a lot.

Anyway stop with the pathetic 'jokes'.

No one thinks they're funny.

Self harm is NOT a joke.

People die everyday because of a 'joke'.

Would you want to be responsible for a death?

Thought not.

It's a serious condition that doesn't get enough attention.

By joking about it your making their lives worse.

Some people are afraid to ask for help because they'll be judged!

It's idiotic.

Depression is NOT a joke.

It's not like people wake up in the morning and think

Oh, I'll be depressed today

You don't get a choice it just controls you.

It's classed as a serious mental/ physiological disorder.

So don't be a douche and judge them for it.

Anorexia and Bulimia are NOT jokes.

Anorexia is mostly caused by medias 'perfect' image and bulling.

You may look at people who say they're anorexic and think

They're fat

They eat

They're fine

Well not every person with anorexia is stick thin or doesn't eat.

You may see them eating doesn't mean it stays down does it?

And when you call them fat it makes everything worse.

Roughly 30 million people have Bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

58% of them die.

Not every person suffering from the above is a girl.


self harm

Hate them self

Have anorexia and bulimia

Have depression

As well as girls.

So don't stereotype them.


Be kind to people.

Help them.

And if you're suffering...

Tell someone.

They CAN help you.

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