I told you to stay away

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That night

When we

Where stood

On the

Rocks by

The beach.

My eyes

Building with

Warm tears

You whispered

At me

Telling me

To jump.

Telling me

I wasn't

Worth it.

It was

Like you

Belonged in

My head

With the

Rest of

The voices.

You didn't

Deserve to

Tell me

To die.

But I

Done it.

I jumped.

Straight into

The water.

It was

Cold at

First but

Then my

Eyes closed

And I

Couldn't feel

It anymore.

I woke

Up on

The beach

All wet

And freezing.

You starred

Into my

Soul with

Black eyes.

Did you

Save me?

I still

Don't know.

From that

Day on

I told

You to

Stay away

But you

Didn't did

You? You're

Still here

Threatening my

Friends and

Making me

Wish I

Didn't fail

At my

Suicide attempt.

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