2 | day time untrust

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open, the light causing her to wince. A bell sounded, almost like a school one. She slowly sat up, looking around — her whole class lay scattered around, some just waking up, too. Day had come.

Y/n looked down, seeing Kyung Jun sprawled next to her. She placed one hand on his shoulder and shook him. "Kyung Jun, wake up."

He slowly blinked, his head lulling side to side a few times before his eyes settled on her. "What happened?" he murmured, still groggy.

"No idea . . ." Y/n looked ahead at the broken window.

"Oh, no. Poor Yool . . ." Eun Ha said shakily.

Yoon Seo got up at that, rushing over to the window. Based on her reaction, there weren't any good news.

Kyung Jun sat up as every phone in the hallway started going off again. Y/n's eyes fell on her phone on the ground and she quickly picked it up. Everyone else brought theirs out as well.

The Purge alarm came on again and Y/n stiffened. "Before the last round closed, Police used their Skill." Another alarm. "Choi Ju Won was executed by Mafia. Choi Ju Won was Mafia. All participants, identify the Mafia and begin to vote."

"Where's Ju Won?" Yoon Seo asked. Everyone stood in silence. He wasn't among them.

"The broadcast," Woo Ram said. "Who's in charge of the broadcast? Why's it even on!?"

"The studio's on the second floor," Hyun Ho said. "Let's check it out. Come." A few people ran off towards the studio when someone else screamed.

Kyung Jun got up to follow the small group going towards the direction of the scream and Y/n followed right after. It'd come from the men's bathroom — Da Bum was in there, staring at the first cubicle. Looking down, Y/n noticed a pool of blood peaking from under the door.

"Oh God," she said, a hand flying in front of her mouth. The stench was just as bad as the sight.

"Class President, you open the door." Kyung Jun pushed Jun Hee ahead, making him almost stumble.

Jun Hee slowly opened the stall, revealing Ju Won's bloodied body. Everyone screamed and took a step back.

"What the . . ."

"He's dead."

"It's the Mafia Game," Da Bum stuttered. "What if we all die too?"

"Shut your mouth, you idiot," Kyung Jun grabbed Da Bum by his vest. "Who says we're dying?"

Y/n couldn't turn her eyes away from the body, not even to stop Kyung Jun.

Yoon Seo suddenly went ahead, crouching down. Jung Won called for her, but Yoon Seo ignored her. She dipped her fingers in the blood. "The blood is still wet. He hasn't been dead for long."

Y/n looked away. Her stomach churned. "Oh my God, I'm gonna throw up." She turned over to the sink, leaning down just in case. She heard Yoon Seo's almost throwing up noises, too.

"Class President." She turned her head enough to see Kyung Jun catch Jun Hee by the shoulders. "What do we do now? What now?"

"First . . . We must get out of here." Jun Hee faced everyone. "Tell the others that we must get out of here."

There were footsteps before Y/n felt hands on her shoulders. "Y/n . . . Y/n, we gotta go."

She nodded and turned to face Kyung Jun, catching one last sight of Ju Won's body. Another wave of nausea washed over her and she quickly put a hand over her mouth, allowing Kyung Jun to lead her out of the bathroom.

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