7 | night time betrayals

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Y/n shot up as soon as she felt her body waking up. Looking at Kyung Jun, she noticed him already stirring, no wounds on his body. They didn't get us. Y/n rested her head on the wall in relief.

The two sat in silence again. What happened last night. Did Jun Hee . . .?

The alarm blared and Y/n and Kyung Jun immediately looked up. ''Before the last vote closed, a Doctor nominated whom to Heal. The nominated player was Kim Jun Hee. Thanks to the Doctor's ability to heal, Kim Jun Hee has been brought back to life.''

Y/n let out a choked laugh. ''It worked.''

Kyung Jun looked at her. ''You saved Jun Hee?''

''Not me,'' Y/n shook her head. ''The other Doctor.''

Kyung Jun furrowed his brows. ''You know who the other Doctor is?''

''Yes.'' Y/n nodded. She didn't elaborate.

Kyung Jun stood up and walked over to the metal covering, unlocking it with his keys and pulling it up. ''What the fuck?''

Y/n immediately stood up at that, rushing over to where Kyung Jun stood at the door. Once there, she saw him pick up his bloodied jacket and the ax Woo Ram had used to kill himself with.

Both of them watched the items with wide eyes. Y/n looked up at him. ''Kyung Jun . . .''

''Y/n, it wasn't me,'' Kyung Jun immediately defended, taking a step back from her. ''I swear it wasn't me. I'm a Citizen.''

''Oh my God.'' She ran a hand through her hair. ''Kyung Jun—''

''Believe me, Y/n, it wasn't me, I—'' Kyung Jun quickly looked around. There was no one else but them. He looked back at her. ''I'll fix this, okay? They won't—'' He gulped. ''They can't suspect me. I'm innocent. Someone tried to frame me.''

He moved quickly, picking up a black plastic bag and stuffing the bloody jacket inside, then running out of the cafe and towards where the fire hydrant was closed. Y/n watched as he locked the axe and the bag inside with his key, then he returned to her.

''Y/n.'' Kyung Jun grabbed her by the shoulders. ''Y/n, please believe me, I wouldn't lie to you.''

She held his gaze for a moment. Kyung Jun, he wouldn't kill, right? Besides, we've been together the whole time. He can't be the Mafia, no way. And he didn't even have his jacket with him last night. ''I believe you,'' she whispered.

''Thank fuck,'' he said and rested his forehead on hers. ''I'll fix this, okay? I'll get rid of everything.''

Y/n nodded. ''Okay. Okay, I believe you.'' She looked around. There was no one here yet. ''Let's move out of here. We have to look like we came out of somewhere else.''

Kyung Jun nodded and the two quickly moved down a few hallways, just enough to avoid suspicion. Then they started slowly walking around hand in hand, trying to look as normal as possible, though Y/n could feel how tense Kyung Jun felt.

Another announcement followed and both Y/n and Kyung Jun looked at each other. ''During the night, Shin Seung Bin was executed by the Mafia. Shin Seung Bin was a Citizen.''

Y/n felt the color drain from her face. She squeezed Kyung Jun's hand. ''Seung Bin . . . ''

Kyung Jun looked down and licked his lips. Then he said, ''He hid with Jin Ha last night.''

Y/n's eyes widened and a hand flew to her mouth. ''You don't think—''

''I don't know.'' Kyung Jun cut her off. ''Let's go . . . check.''

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