9 | night time bastard

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The cheerful music filled his ears. Kyung Jun regained feeling in his body and he finally managed to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was the white ceiling above him. Didn't I fall asleep sitting?

He groaned as he sat up and scratched the back of his head. His neck hurt. "Fuck," he whispered as he rubbed it. "Y/n, you awake?" Kyung Jun leaned his head down and continued rubbing his sore neck. There was no response. "Y/n, it's morning."


Kyung Jun stopped all his movements, his body tensing. He straightened his back and slowly turned his head around. "Y/n?"

His stomach dropped.

Y/n laid there in a pool of blood; there was a red splotch around her stomach. Her button up and zip-up, the zip-up he'd given her, were dark red. Her face was pale, her lips blue. Her hair framed her face and her arms lay peacefully on her sides.


Kyung Jun dragged himself over to her, his pants rubbing uncomfortably into his knees. He reached her and placed a hand on her cheek. She was cold.

"Y/n, hey, wake up," he called, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Y/n, come on." She didn't respond. Kyung Jun gave her a light slap. "Y/n, please, this isn't funny."

"During the night, L/n Y/n was executed by the Mafia. L/n Y/n was a Doctor."

He shook his head. His eyes stung. He put his other hand on her other cheek. "Y/n, wake up." His arms moved to her shoulders. "Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!" His tears rolled down his cheeks and fell on her own, yet she still didn't stir. "Y/N, WAKE THE FUCK UP! Y/N!"

"Before the last voting round closed, the Police used their Skill. Before the last vote closed, the Doctor nominated who to Heal. They nominated Go Kyung Jun."

Kyung Jun let out a yell as he heard that, then continued crying. His throat was burning and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

He picked her up and leaned against the bed frame, cradling her stiff body close. He looked down at her face, at her pretty, lifeless face. He brushed a piece of hair away, barely seeing her through his tears.

"We were supposed to go to the arcade," Kyung Jun sobbed, nuzzling his nose in her hair. His clothes were covered in blood, her blood, but he didn't move. He only pulled her closer. "I was gonna win you that damn Pokémon you wanted. We were supposed to talk this morning. You were supposed to tell me how fucking dumb I was. Please, wake up and yell at me, Y/n." Kyung Jun choked on his own sobs.

Kyung Jun hadn't noticed the broken door that was opened, nor did he see the broken desks outside or the shuffled bedsheets of the two lower bunks. He also didn't notice when everyone who was still alive had found their way to the door and stood there, watching.

"Why the fuck would you use your Skill on me again, dumbass?" Kyung Jun asked through choked sobs. "Why didn't you save yourself?" He whispered.

Go Kyung Jun was a tough man. He rarely cried, he was strong, he had everything he wanted. But now, as he sat there with her lifeless body in his arms, he couldn't help but feel like he'd just lost everything.

"Kyung Jun," someone called his name, but he didn't turn. He didn't care. He wanted to stay here, holding her in his arms for the rest of this godforsaken game.

"Kyung Jun," another voice called, this one shaky. Looking up, he noticed Yoon Seo and Jun Hee crouching in front of him. Jun Hee held a white cloth. Yoon Seo's eyes were red. "We . . . we have to bring her to the others."

"No," Kyung Jun breathed out and held her even tighter. "No, I want to stay with her. I can't—"

"Kyung Jun." He looked at Jun Hee. "We have to find out who did this to her and put an end to this."

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