8 | day time truths

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Y/n and Na Hee shared a look. ''Yoo Jun?''

''What happened?'' Na Hee asked.

Y/n quickly finished wrapping Na Hee's foot and she put on her shoe, the two of them rushing out from the infirmary. On the way, they met with Yoon Seo and Jun Hee, then with more people as they made it over to the construction site.

Yoo Jun's body laid there, his bloody head laying on a brick, more blood surrounding him. Y/n put a hand over her mouth, unable to look away from him.

''He didn't break any rules,'' Jun Hee said. ''So why did he . . .''

''Did he fall?'' Yeon Woo asked.

''Someone killed him,'' Yoon Seo said. ''There are lots of signs of struggle and there are the wounds on his head. Someone attacked him.''

Jun Hee covered his body with a white cloth, finally hiding him from everyone's prying eyes. Jun Hee, Eun Chan, Yeon Woo and Da Bum lifted him up and went to bring him to the freezer with the other bodies. Y/n looked back at Kyung Jun and he looked back at her. Kyung Jun threw Hyon Ho's phone. He killed Hyun Ho.

''The Mafia has gone inside. They're killing during the day now?'' Mi Na asked as she paced around the mess hall. Everyone but Jung Won and Yoon Seo were there, unsure of what to do. Y/n sat on one of the tables, her feet dangling mindlessly.

''Even if Yoo Jun was a Doctor, this is too much,'' Na Hee said. She sounded like she was about to cry.

Y/n looked at her sneakers. Was he targeted because he was a Doctor or another reason? Did he say I'm the other Doctor? Are they coming for me next?

''Let's just catch the damn Mafia,'' Kyung Jun said. Y/n threw him a look.

"Who on earth is it? Damn it!" Yeon Woo said. He and Eun Chan left after that, though Eun Chan ended up calling everyone in the hallway.

Once there, Y/n's eyes widened. There was a new paper on top of the old message from the Police. Jun Hee is Mafia. Da Bum is Mafia. From Police, it read.

"Jun Hee and you are Mafia?" Yeon Woo pointed at Da Bum.

"No. I'm really not Mafia," Da Bum stuttered, taking a few steps back. "Guys, I'm not Mafia. I'm a Citizen. Who wrote this and why? It's really not me."

"Police used their Skill twice. I think two people makes sense," Eun Chan said.

"No, it doesn't. Why change their mind about Jun Hee now, huh?" Y/n asked, her arms crossed. "Now someone's trying to impersonate the Police. It's obvious!" Y/n's chest tightened. She recognized the handwriting.

"I'm not the Mafia," Jun Hee said as he strode to the front.

"Don't lie," Jin Ha called from the back. "I bet the Police wrote this because the last one was a lie."

"Yes. The real Police would name the Mafia," Mi Na said. "Why would they name a Citizen?"

"No. Y/n is right, this could be fake," Yoon Seo said. "It's weird how it appeared right after Yoo Jun died. The person who killed him could've written this to frame them as Mafia."

"You guys. Why did you get here so late?" So Mi asked as she stalked to the front, her eyes on Yoon Seo. "Didn't you write this?"

"If we did, Yoon Seo wouldn't have said what she just did," Jung Won said.

"What the hell is this anyway," Kyung Jun moved to the front and took the paper off the wall, ripping it to pieces before he dropped it to the ground. Then he looked over the class — or what remained of it. "Police. Quit this crap and show yourself." Kyung Jun took his phone out. "Show your phones. Let's see your Skills."

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