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In the image above it's their first day of school outfit.

Getting ready for school was never a task I was good at, getting up early was never my thing, the welcoming warmth of the bed always persuading me to stay and not move

"Get up, we don't wanna be late," Jackie said throwing a pillow at me, before returning to select her outfit of the day

Our styles have always been opposites, we can say she has more of an academic style, and I like to be expressed more artistically, maybe that's why our outfits are always different.

"Alright" I groaned not wanting to move

Even though I was the last to wake up I was downstairs before Jackie, it was a mess the second I stepped into the kitchen

Everyone was trying to do things simultaneously... I felt overwhelmed seeing everyone running around the house, I was never good in crowded spaces ever since I was little, so I made it my duty to avoid crowds at all times

With everyone talking at the same time, it was difficult to know what to do next, between the commotion next to me Cole announced

"Bus is leaving in five" before walking out

Some started to get their bags others were looking for Rumple, They seemed to be looking in small places so I assumed it might be their pet hamster or rabbit

I ran upstairs to go get my bag and Jackie, it gives me so much anxiety how much time she takes to get ready, she has a whole process and order in which things go, I admire that in her, for her to be able to have everything in control

Walking downstairs once again we were met with a very hurried Katherine Walter

"Don't mess with that, that's for the girls" she pouted at Alex who was still at the table eating

"Good morning, honey. How'd you sleep? She asked Jackie

"Fine" she replied with an unsure smile on her face

they continued to talk and I walked past them because it felt more like a them conversation at that point, biting the bread I walked toward the car waiting outside

to my surprise it was pretty full, I searched for a place to sit but didn't know where until Lee signaled the place next to him

I looked at him with an Are you sure look, and only received a nod in response

I sat down and an awkward silence filled the car, which was so suspicious considering that a family of 10 siblings in one closed environment was being suspiciously calm


Arriving at the school I noticed a lot of students waiting outside and girls giggling and blushing as Cole parked the car, maybe that's why he thinks he is all that I thought to myself as putting my backpack straps on my shoulders

"Hey, guys, we got a full car today, so that means, Isaac, no offering rides to random cheerleaders" Cole demanded as we all exited the vehicle

Hey, and we leave at 3:30. okay?"
He reminded all of us but especially Jackie and me

Walking towards the building
Jackie with a confused yet intrigued face asked "Is she his girlfriend?"  Referring to a girl who minutes ago approached Cole and made out with him in front of all of us

"Erin?" Danny replied "Yeah, sometimes. Cole doesn't really date" he finished

Alarms sounded in my head
"That's a red flag right there my friend" I continued as we walked through the halls filled with students

"Well, he has girls that he hooks up with, but always ends up back with Erin" Danny continued as I walked the other way to my first class

It felt weird to not have classes with Jackie, in the academy although I didn't spoke much we still stayed together

Walking into the class students were chatting throwing paper balls and all sorts of stuff was happening

Looking for a free seat I was met with a familiar face. Lee Garcia

"Hey, Lee, is it ok if I sit here?" I asked shyly, I didn't quite understand where the shyness came from but he just replied with a "Yeah, sure"

Looking to my side I could see Isaac on the other side of the room

He seemed confused, or more like mad, not the kind of mad that comes from anger but the one that comes from being annoyed at something

Not understanding why I decided to just look forward and get this day over with

The teacher walked to the front of the room, which made the students quiet down and sit in their respective seats

"Alright, everybody. Settle down. Take your seats." She started as they were writing their name on the board

Looking directly into my soul they proceeded to say "It seems we have a new student."

At that moment I wanted the ground to open and swallow me whole, all eyes turned to me and I felt my heart fasten

" Michelle, can you please stand up and tell us something about yourself?" She smiled

Panic could be seen in my eyes, standing up I replied, " Hi I'm Michelle Howard, I just moved here from New York."

"And what brings you from the Big Apple to Silver Falls?

When she asked me that simple question I froze my mind went blank, all I could think of was the crash. I was about to say something when Lee stood up
And continued for me

"Change of scenery, they say it's better to have fresh air this time of year " I smiled I could see he regretted the way he phrased what he just said

"Right, Michelle?" he asked with a hint of redness on his face avoiding my gaze

"Yes that's correct" I confessed and sat back down before making a fool of myself once again

"Thank you, Michelle," the teacher said before turning around and beginning with today's lesson

Burring my face in my hands I could feel a finger tapping my head

Tilting my head to the side there was a semi-worried Lee.

"Since you are new still, um .. would you like to share the textbook with me? If that's ok with you." He whispered as another classmate read the passage

"Thank you so much," I said picking my head up and following as the other classmate read

Something in my mind told me to turn my head and look at the other side of the room, it felt more like an urge, and as I did I could see Isaac was practically shooting daggers with his eyes

He looks so serious that with his flirty and happy personality makes it impossible to believe

Today's chapter was a bit long
Hope you guys liked it, thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to me. Love you guys

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