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After a few classes had gone by it was finally lunch time. A part of me was nervous because what if Jackie's and my schedule weren't the same and we had different lunches and I had to eat all alone.

To my luck we did had lunch together, walking through the doors on my way to her, I stopped seeing as Cole helped her get lunch and guided her to his table

The panic of not having someone to seat with started as I saw Alex leave after witnessing that and Nathan following no long after

Not wanting to stand alone in the doorway, I was about to go when a particular someone called my name.

"Hey, Michelle wait up"
turning around I saw Isaac walking my way, with a smile on his face, unlike how we was on first period

"Hi Isaac" I smiled looking at him, waiting for what he had to say

"Aren't you gonna grab lunch?" He asked

"No, actually I was just about to leave" I responded pointing towards the door

"Alright, where are we going?" He asked opening the door for us to walk through

Smiling at the sudden actions of the boy I walked through with him not so far behind me

"I'm new here, shouldn't you be the one showing me around?" I stopped in my tracks looking at him and waiting for him to catch up with me

Walking in sync he showed me around until we settled down in some part of the school where a few students hanged

Having a good time a group of cheerleaders then approached us

"Hey Issac, are you coming to see today's practice?" She asked fluttering her eyelashes

"Yeah, probably" he responded before glancing at me

"This is Michelle" Isaac said proudly before looking back at the girl in the middle of the group

"Hi it's nice to meet you all." I added, with a smile on my face

I could feel something had happened between these two after the way the girl kept giving me side glances while talking to Isaac, after a very awkward silence I faked looking to an imaginary watch in my hand and left the scene


It was now the end of the day and I was running across the halls looking for Jackie, although I didn't have a watch I did have a phone and knew we were going to be late

I found her with three other people , a very tall boy in a dark blue shirt and two other girls about the same height one with black hair and the other was brunette

Interrupting what was some wierd conversation about the "Cole effect" I caught up with them
out of breath

Jackie then said "Guys this is my sister Michelle"

I waved still breathing heavy
And the brunette girl continued the conversation

"the Cole effect is why all the senior boys are like, "What's up bro?" When they see him in the hall way and why the freshman girls line the parking lot at 3:30 every day just to see him drive by" she finished

Jackie looked at me worried and I just nodded

"And that's why I came running looking for you" I said

"You guys came with Cole?" The black hair girl asked with a smile on her face

Running once again through the halls exiting the building

The car was already driving off
And didn't seem to have stopped when Jackie waved at them

"sure they just forgot" the black hair girl comforted us

"Aw, Jackie, Michelle , it's okay. I'll give you guys a ride. The brunette said


As the car parked in the driveway we both exited the vehicle.

Walking inside the boys seemed to be having a good time watching the game

And then I heard a skateboard and knew how was coming

He stopped next to me , to close to my liking considering how mad I was at them right now before entering and joining the boys to watch the game

Jackie may not show it but it was not fair for them to offer a ride and leave without waiting for us

Jackie was the first to walk off
I stayed before finally speaking up

"Did you guys forget or intentionally leave without us?" I asked crossing my arms

" I said 3:30, and you guys weren't there" was all I got in response

I scoffed and walked up stairs to our room

Walking downstairs every one was already eating, it was just Jackie and me left

Sitting down Jackie felt something in her leg, lowering to grab whatever it was

A snake was on her hand, scaring the live out of her , the sudden jump made the food fly not only on her but on me as well

Jordan excited to have finally had found Rumple made his way to where Jackie had last had it

Jackie walked off as Katherine tried to help comforting her
But all she said was

"It's fine, I'm fine" before going upstairs

Laughter was heard from the boys
Jackie may had walked away
But I stayed " do you guys think this is funny?" I asked " I thought we could be civilized with each other but it seems not" I finished walking the same way Jackie did

All we could hear after was Katherine

" look , I know it's a bit of an adjustment to have two new people in the house, but they have been through more than any of us can imagine" "so I just need you all to understand that"

"And we're gonna treat them with kindness and respect,just like you do everyone else in the world. Understood?" George chimed in

After Jackie had cleaned her self Cole brought her dinner
And took her out to see something outside meanwhile I stayed in the room doing my homework

A knock was heard in the door and Isaac walked through with a tray of food

"What's that?" I asked "Dinner" he said in response walking toward my bed

"You can leave it right there" I pointed with my pencil

"What you doing over there?" He asked leaving the food in the edge of my bed before walking towards me

" homework" was all I said as I could feel him behind me

" are you sure because I can only see your doodling" he pointed at the silly drawing in the corner of the page

" don't you have somewhere else to go? Perhaps with your girlfriend" I breathed out turning to face him

With that comment the air between us changed, and so did something in his face

Walking closer to me he lowered himself to the height of the chair I was sitting on, his face close to mine, noses almost touching

"What, are you jealous, Michelle?"he smirked looking into my eyes and soon at my lips

Omgg are they gonna kiss??? Or is it a misdirect, we'll see in the next chapter
Hope you guys like the story

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