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As Lee cut the turkey everyone was just waiting to dig into their plates

Conversations of different topics were happening, until finally we all quiet down to hear what George had to say

"Okay,guys. Let's all, uh.. Let's have a seat" he started "I thought before we dived in, why don't we go around the table and share what we're thankful for this year?" He finished

Everyone had their chance to say what that were grateful for this year, starting with Cole going around until Lee had decided he didn't feel like it

I understood him feeling blue, he had mentioned how sad and disappointed he felt since he wasn't able to speak with his father, he has become one of my the closest friends I had here so all I could do was to be supportive

Grabbing his hand underneath the table, I gave him a generous smile, and since I was next to him it was my turn to say what I was grateful for

"I'm grateful to be here and have you guys to spend this special holiday with" I added and finally it was Isaac's turn

"Well, I'm grateful,um, that the ladies love me for my charm and good looks, and we are both grateful to be part of this family, right, Lee" he finished looking at his brother

As we all finished saying what we were grateful for , we started to eat the delicious food seating in front of us

"-it's the coolest thing, right, jacks?" Uncle Richard said nudging Jackie which she just nodded in agreement while proceeding to eat

"What's it called?" Danny asked intrigued

"Manhattanhenge." I chimed

"- Oh, like Stonehenge." Issac smiled

"Exactly. It only happens twice a year, when the sun aligns perfectly with the Manhattan street grid. This glow of light cuts through these two tall buildings and rays shoot in every direction " Uncle Richard explains

Putting his arm around Jackie he continued "their mom lived for those two days a year"

"She really did" Jackie and I said in unison

" maybe we can see Manhattanhenge together next year. You know, if you guys decide to come visit" he hesitated

"To bad they are not moving back" Lee huffed not daring to look anywhere but his plate

"Jesus, Lee. Don't be such a jackass" Issac ended

"Lee, I don't think it's them you're mad at, right" George empathized " they're not going anywhere. So let's—"

"Actually we might be" Jackie interrupted

After Jackie's words left her mouth , the silence in the room was scary

¿Enserio? (are you sure?)Uncle Richard asked her

¿Se van a mudar? (you guys moving back?) Issac asked looking at the both of us

After that uncle Richard and the Walter's discussed the matter on how should the matter should be handled, going into topics like stability and blood family

In a moment of silence Cole asked Jackie "What do you want?" But she couldn't answer

" that's right, do you guys know what you want?" Katherine asked looking between the two of us

"The only thing I know for sure, is that the thing we want is impossible to have."

a while passed and everyone was doing their thing , meanwhile i was in the kitchen reading the pamphlet that was given to me earlier today

A cup of hot chocolate was placed next to me

"I added marshmallows, took a guess, hope you like it" I smiled feeling grateful for this act of kindness

Taking the cup George was about to exit the kitchen when I stopped him

" George, I overheard you and Katherine about how we were extra mouths to feed, and I don't want to be a burden"

"Oh, no, sweetie" he empathized sitting next to me " Not at all" he continued comforting in how we weren't a burden and they loved having us here

The breeze was chilly outside
But something about it had a comforting feel to it.

And feeling the stair wood creek I knew someone had sat next to me

"Hey, so, word is you're staying." Isaac started

Looking at him is gasped "it speaks.....but sorry to disappoint if you were hoping otherwise" I replied

"No disagreement on my behalf, I'm glad your staying, in getting used to you being around" he smiled bumping shoulders with me

"I'm glad to hear that" I smiled back

¿Todo bien? (All good?) he asked

"Todo bien." (All good) I answered proudly letting him know that everything would be just fine

"Ok that's good because I have something for you" he said grabbing my hand

"Do you trust me" he asked
"Should I?" I questioned looking at him with uncertainty in my eyes

"Will you walk with me for a while?" Asked which I nodded

We walked for a while talking about various things such as school and hobbies

When I abruptly stopped at the beautiful sight in front of me, the sun was setting and the sunset was stunning showing it's pink, red and orange colors

"I know it's not much of a view like the Manhattanhenge but I think this is equally as beautiful"
He commented as we saw the sun go down

Before the sky could darken we headed back to the house

Stepping into the porch he stopped before entering "I have something to confess" he said

Turning around to hear what he had to say I stepped closer to him to listen

" I know I've been a jerk this past days, after our kiss and I knew I should have addressed it sooner" he paused to look at me

"It's ok, stuff happens, it was just a moment" I said starting to walk away

"But I don't want it to be just a moment, hearing your uncle say you guys might be leaving scared me, not being able to see you or know you are ok ,worried me" he said walking closer to where I stand

The silence between us thickened , a subtle tension filled the air, Issac reached out slowly cupping my face in his hands

His tender touch was sweet and tender, sending shiver down my spine

Issac leaned in, closing the gap between us with a slow kiss,
Time seemed to slow with this kiss something about it was different

Pulling centimeters away we both smiled at each other letting a small laughter escape our lips

"You were that worried about me?" I questioned

"Oh, shut up, you have no idea" Issac said looking into my eyes before continuing with the sweet embrace

Walking into the room I was found with Jackie reading the pamphlet that was given to me earlier today

"Are you planning on applying?" She asked rising the paper on her hand for me to see

"I was considering it, it would mean I have some where to be after high school" I protested

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked sitting back down on the bed

"Because I wanted to sure if I wanted to really go, you are going to Princeton, and I want to do something I like" I added sitting next to her while we both stared at the paper

"But Chicago, really?" she commented Making us both laughed at it

"They do have a great art program and I will apply just not right now" taking the pamphlet from her and heading to bed

Maybe, Probably || Issac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now