Chapter 12: And The Winner Is...

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Inky blackness surround five vessels as they travers the darkness in the direction of a marble sized blue-white sphere. Two of the ships were yellow in color and the smaller of the two was at least five times the size of the remaining sleek, metallic grey shuttles. The orb grew ever larger as the quintuple approached at speeds close to three hundred kilometers per second.

The world of Dycord is one of the oldest planets to hold life. Home to over five hundred million Dycordians, the planet itself is three times the size of the home world of the small delegation of Humans currently on an approaching vector.

Aboard one of the three smaller ships flanked by the 108, President of the sky-country Hope, Julius Gilbert sat in a plush stateroom eyes glued to holographic images displayed above his desk. A chirping from a small console drew his attention and he waves a hand, calling forth the face of Jesse McDonald, Majesty's President, who was currently residing in one of the other ships.


Just going over what we know of the Harvas family.

If I remember correctly they control sixty percent of Quil's off-world accounts. They prefer firearms as a means of assassination.

True. The family is suspected in several murders as well.

That's the way Finan choose successors.

I mean of business rivals. Off-world business rivals, mostly from Cy.

Dealing with any Finan on monetary matters is dangerous.

And if what I've read about them is to be believed, particularly this guy going by Gunmeister-

A light above the cabin door signaled that the pilot was taking them into Dycord's atmosphere.

The 108 are backing off now. We're on our own.

I believe our security good enough to keep us safe.

It isn't long before the three remaining ships are over the skies of Topaz City. Julius was leaning in his seat, gawking out the viewport to his right at the enormity of the jewel.

I will never get tired of seeing that.

Neither will I, my friend.

The trio of ships settled in their berths, the ramp of one lowering to members of secret service and administration aides. He and his two agents disembark into the greetings of a small group of Dycordians, whose hands he diplomatically shake before McDonald comes over and does the same. The now robust group of politicians made their way to fortified hovercars waiting outside the secured hanger bay. Surrounded by DDF soldiers, Gilmesh, Lord of the Guardian Caste is there waiting, where pleasantries are quick, and the congregation splits into the waiting vehicles. The parade heads in the direction of Assembly Hall, more DDF flying cover on grav disks. Gilbert and McDonald politely decline Gilmesh offer of refreshments before exchanging knowing looks; Gilbert leaned forward.

Is there any chance we could meet up with the Quil ambassadors?

They will be present at the photo op-

I mean clandestinely.

Gilmesh stared at each before nodding. Julius leaned back, nodding in return.



Nine beings, each of a different species, were at the starting line but only eight take off. Narshira tries turning on her boosters, nearly falling on her face when they fail to activate. A cackling laugh draws her attention to Nor's ghastly grin as he rode off on a grav-disk after the others. Roxy floats down to her as she pats parts of her suit in a mild panic.

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