Chapter 18: A Bug's Life

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The fishing line jerked, startling Child Claude, who nearly lost his grip on the rod.

Child Claude
I got one!

Do not let it get away.

After a bit of struggling, he reached over the side and held up a purple mino. It wriggled briefly, spraying water on the two Dycordians on the boat, as he took it off the fishing hook. His smile freezes, then fades slightly, as he studied his catch.

Child Claude
Is this even real?

It is.

Child Claude
How did I even catch it? I did not put on any bait.

Maybe it knew you were hungry.

Child Claude contemplates this a moment, then leans over the green painted canoe, releasing the fish which slowly swims away; the only visible disturbance of the otherwise still water.

Why did you let it go?

Child Claude
I am not hungry. No way to cook out here anyway.

In truth, you did not wish to harm it.

Child Claude
No need to. When I wake up, it would have been gone.

If you ate it, would you still be hungry when you woke?

Child Claude
Why are you asking me? I do not know. You still have not told me why I am here with you instead of with my friend, who is in greater need of my company.

Have you heard of Communion?

Child Claude
Yeah, it is a Spirit Caste thing, right? I heard Seer Vassi talk about it in church.

It is a promise by one to another. Hearers, Seers, and Speakers of the Spirit Caste make a promise to do the will of the one they commune with. You will become a Hearer for the church.

Child Claude
I am not sure my dad would go for that. He has his heart set on me being a tax collector, like him.

Once people realize we have been talking, your father will have little say.

Child Claude
I would rather grow up to study bugs. They are so fascinating.

With Communion, you could experience a bug's lifespan through its own eyes.

Child Claude
Sounds made up.

Trust me, young Claude, it is not.


Claude sat on the carpeted floor his hotel living room in quiet meditation. A long beep signaled an incoming call.


Before him materializes the image of a woman with short, dark blue hair and wrinkles just beginning to form on her round face. Jyn of Styfe's gentle eyes took in her son with a kind smile.

Hello, mother.

Claude, how have you been?

I am doing fine.

I hear you have another battle today.

Yes. It is to begin in a few minutes.

Oh... I apologize, dear, I will let you go-

It is fine. I have time. I like to hear from you.

She hesitated, looking off camera for a moment.

Your father says 'hi'.

Give my love.

He has not been feeling himself lately. I think his age is finally catching up.

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