Chapter 13: The Rich and Powerful

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Day 5

The Papuru Inn is the largest, most luxurious hotel chain in the galaxy and one of the sponsors of the Coalition Carnage Competition. Inside one of its many super suites, Kane Urasa stood studying his profile in the full length mirror that resided on a wall of the spacious accomodations. His formal wear was primarily dark blue with fringes of black lining. He turns this way and that, smoothing slight wrinkles and nods with approval.

Looking good. Thank you Star Thread Tailors. If you ask me to promote your stuff, I'll do so for half my usual asking price.

He smiles brightly at his dark skinned reflection, checked his fresh haircut, placed a stylish haberdash over his head, and points two finger guns in what he thought was pretty cool.

You're gonna rock this gala.

A chime signaled someone at the door. He leaves through the bedroom's double doors of fine wood into the much larger living quarters and its cream pattern decor. A serv-tek glided across the expensive carpeting, cleaning what looked to Kane to be already spotless. He leaves the serv-tek to its work and goes out to meet his best friend.

What's good, bro?

Pleasure to see you, Kane. I take it you slept well after last night's festivities.

Claude was also decked out in a tailor made suit of steel grey that blended well with his sky blue complexion. The two bump fists.

Yeah, lost big though.

I told you playing poker with those professionals was a mistake. It was as if they came to that casino seeking you out.

They probably were. I'm a big guy in the gambling circuit. People always out to topple one of the greats.

And they succeeded.

Poker's not my game. Now, if it was holostar things would have ended differently. Anyway, it was only a few thousand c-chips. Nothing to sweat over.

When should one sweat over wayward funds?

When one can't afford to lose.

The two walk to a waiting limo inside the building's private garage. They are alone and sit across from each other as the driver takes them onto Topaz City's crowded road, its hover technology making the journey a smooth one. In designated areas, the driver was allowed to bypass the land bound traffic in favor of flying across the sky lanes toward a pair of spotlights that cut through the darkening, late evening sky.

I have never been to a gala event.

Me either, but I've walked into a few important parties in my time.

With celebrities and politicians?

Not big name celebs, no. But as for partying politicians, me and the President of Freedom hung out at the same shindig and I spent a weekend vacationing with the President of Hope and his family. They had a big get together with the local government, I was dating the granddaughter of the governor, so got invited. It was alright, if a little boring.

Do you believe this will be also? Boring, I mean.

I'm expecting the interactions to lend plenty of excitement. There will be multiple reps present for major countries or political powers from worlds all jocking for some advantage over one of their own or a neighboring world. People with different values and morals and religions, culture clashes are sure to happen. On top of it all, paparazzi, entertainment reporters and various self important people and their entourages; I wouldn't miss this even if given the opportunity to excavate the ancient ruins of the Americas.

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