Quidich game

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This is just kind of background for what happened before the party. This isn't gonna be too long


You shuffled into the stands 10 minutes late to the Slytherin's quidich game against Ravenclaw. You sat down next to your friend Pansyy. 

"Sorry Pans" You said in a sincere tone, "I was showering and it took a bit too long." Pansy gave you a look of annoyance.

"Y/N you knew the game started at 3 and I bet you got into the shower at 2:30, didn't you?" you tried to hide you're blush because you knew she was correct.

"In my defense..." Pansy rolled her eyes and put her hand to your mouth. You gave Pansy an annoyed look and watched the game. Your friend Theo, Draco, Mattheo and Enzo were on the field. You looked at Mattheo and you guys mad direct eye contact. Mattheo smirked and shot the quafle through the ring. The crowd cheered for Slytherin. 

Pansy looked at you because she saw Mattheo's smirk when he looked in this direction. She pointed at you then Mattheo, then you, then Mattheo. You were too busy celebrating to look at Pansy.

The score was 30-20 Slytherin on top. The Slytherin team was sure to win. 

The golden snitch zipped past the crowd with Draco Malfoy chasing it huffing and puffing. It seemed like he had been chasing it for a while. Draco lost the snitch after about 5 minutes and he seemed quite upset.

20 minutes later it was 60-40 Slytherin on top. The snitch once again zipped past the crowd. Draco didn't seem to see it, but the Ravenclaw seeker was on it's tail. The whole Slytherin bunch in the stands began to scream. Not yell scream at Draco to go get the snitch. 

Draco spun around and saw the snitch. He began to zoom towards the snitch. You could feel the wind in your hair. You looked over at Pansy she seemed thrilled and intensely  watching the game. You decided not to distract her from her moment, as your mind described it. 

Draco was gaining on the Ravenclaw seeker and and snitch, his hand out ready to grab it. Everyone was yelling in each other's ears  with excitement. You could barley hear anything for yourself. As Draco was gaining on the snitch you could tell the game was about to be over.

The crowd buzzed with excitement as Slytherin was about to win. Draco reached his hand further and closed it. The crowd was silent as Draco flew to the middle of the stadium. Draco sat tall on his broom and showed the snitch with a smug look on his face. The crowd roared with cheers. Pansy looked at you with a celebratory smile. All you could hear was cheers and it made your ears ring. 

The crowd was settled down and you look at Mattheo before he went into the quidich locker room. Mattheo winked at you and flew into the doorway. All the Slytherins sat there in talked as they waited for them to come out of the locker room. They came out of the locker room and flew up to the crowd. 

"Common room party!" The Slytherin quidich team shouted in excitement. They usually had common room parties every time they won where they would drink, play games and dance. When they lost they usually just sat in the common room and drank because quidich games were on Fridays, that way everyone didn't have to worry about going to school with a hangover. The only difference between the two was one had fun things and drinking and one just had drinking.

As everyone filed out to the common room you looked at Mattheo one more time. He winked and continued to file out.


Hope yall liked it ❤

This is my first time writing fanfic so hope its good. 

LMK of any typos or things I could improve.

Also this chapter is 648 words!

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