𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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My eyes fluttered open as the early morning sun hit my face. Slowly, I put my chair back up and checked on Diego who was still sound asleep. A look of peace on his face, something I wished he would be able to have more often. He deserved endless amounts of peace, not the life he was given.

I put the car into drive and started to make my way towards the McDonald's just down the street. There were almost no cars on the road this early on a Saturday, streets were empty and the town was still asleep. The driveway was empty, no line for me to wait in.

"Hello welcome to McDonalds what can I get for ya today?"

"two breakfast burrito in trios and a blueberry smoothie as well,"

"Perfect, you can move to the next window."

I paid for the food, Diego still knocked out beside me. He had a bruise on his cheek, but it didn't seem too bad. My rib cage was definitely sore, and my head was throbbing. Most likely a concussion, but I'd be fine. I just had to ignore the pain for a bit, and eventually it would disappear, that's the trick. Ignore pain, emotions, issues until they just go away.

Finally got the food and drove back to the parking lot we were in before. I enjoyed my burrito and smoothie, waiting for Diego to wake up so he could eat his. The town was getting a bit busier, more people up and around, driving cars, going to the stores and heading to work. It was interesting to observe everyone. I saw the rush of the traffic, all the different and unique faces. Everyone doing their own thing as if no one else is in the world with them.

"Ellie, is that McDonalds?" Diego managed to croak out, his voice groggy and eyes barely open.

"Yep I got you a burrito and a chocolate milk while you were asleep."

"thanks" he said, grabbing the bag and searching for his food. "My face hurts, is there any marks or anything"

"Yeah, you got a little bruise but you're fine." I told him, trying to reduce the severity of the situation. He was still young, and hopefully didn't understand how wrong Papa was for doing this to us. The risk of people finding out now that he knew only increased, so I had to make this the new norm for him. The thought of a seven year old being forced to consider being beat a normal event was disgusting, but the reality I had to face.

We both finished our meal in silence, listening to the radio and watching the cars race by. It was relaxing, no fear, no worry. Just me and Diego, the only person that really mattered to me.

"What are we doing today Briella?" he questioned, getting a bit antsy in the car. He was shuffling around, kicking the ground, using his fingers as drums. I couldn't keep this child stuck in a car much longer. The original plan was to just drive to a park and chill there for the rest of the day, but I had the date with Rafe. Even if I had a legitimate reason not to go, I knew Rafe would just use it as an excuse to get mad at me and start an argument. So, my only option was to leave Diego at home for the day, even if I strongly didn't want to. If he locked his door and stayed in his room all day, Papa couldn't do anything. I could just drop him off, have him sneak in and then leave right away. The car wouldn't be in the driveway so he would have no reason to think anyone was home anyway.

"You're going to go home Diego, lock the door to your room and stay there. I have to go see someone today and I can't bring you." I explained, emphasizing the instructions for when he gets to his house. The tranquility that once adorned his face has now been replaced by an expression marked with fear and betrayal.

"No, he's going to get me Briella. What if you're not home and he breaks the door and then-" he stumbled, his mind racing through all the negative outcomes that could occur with this game plan of mine.

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