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 Chapter 5 Bottle

As the days went by, Kii's drawings became more life-like and her connection with Tetsuro grew. There were also times where the six teen year old found Papi on his front doorstep. Which dumbfounded him as to how this Harpy did not get arrested by going outside so many times without her host? Eventually he just accepted it due to Miss Smith's careless nature.

Little did Tetsuro know, this wasn't going to be like the other days.

Kii's forest

Under the shade of the tree, a dual coloured eye teen and a Dryad were sitting together, while they drew on pieces of paper in each hand, with their pencils.

Tetsuro stopped moving his pencil and turned to his home stay. "Alright, let's see what you've got today."

"Ladies first, as they say." Kii commented as she flipped her paper.

It revealed a drawing of Kimihito being chased by a group of hyenas and tribal folk with pissed off expressions. The tribesmen held spears over their heads, and the guy's arms were tied up by vines and his mouth gagged with a pigeon.

"No surprise here, with Kii it's either going to be one of three things. One, it's going to be a drawing of Papi, two with herself and Papi. Lastly one of Kimihito suffering."

"It's... nice, this has to be your best work yet." The six teen year old nervously complemented while avoiding to verbally insult her.

"You're hiding something, spill it." The Dryad bluntly pointed out to her host.

Her words made the Human teenager flinch, before he could make an excuse Kii cut him off once more, with the same tone. "And don't think about lying to me, I'll know if you do."

Seeing as there was no way to escape this, Tetsuro came clean to his home stay. "Alright, you win."

"Kii, whenever we draw our own pictures, you always make ones only about either Papi, you with her... Or Kimihito in dire danger."


"It's okay if want to draw those things. But it also doesn't hurt to draw things besides these three things. For example, you can draw a memory about something good that happened to you. Or someone else that you see in a positive light, like you do with Papi."

When Tetsuro finished elaborating for Kii, she held her chin in thought. What else was pleasant to her? There is her forest, especially when it's healthy. There's also the first times she tasted chocolate and ice cream, oh she won't forget those moments. What else is- ah yes, her most lovely host who... wait - what? Where the heck did that come from?

"You alright Kii?"


"It was all over your face, first it was a pensive look then it changed to a confused one." Tetsuro clarified of how he saw her expressions changed.

"Oh... it's nothing to worry about." The Dryad reassured her tutor with a small smile, inside though she was trying to figure out where that thought came from.

"You sure?"

"I am." The Dryad responded as she waved her hand that showed it. Then Kii had a sudden thought as she addressed it to the Human. "Actually, while we're on the subject of who's alright. There's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What's on your mind?" This was rare between them, normally it's him doing all the asking questions. But Kii hardly asked anything about outside her forest or himself. Unless it involved a certain blue Harpy.

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