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Uncomfortable Silence▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃━ 03

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Uncomfortable Silence
━ 03. Downgraded Vampires

Vincent entered his next classroom which happened to be biology he thinks. He didn't really care for anything science related but that was just his personal opinion.

"Mr. Parker I'm Mr. Molina you're biology teacher it's nice to meet you." The man introduced himself making Vincent smile.

"Pleasure's all mine sir." His accent was easily heard making the man laugh finding it fascinating that he had an out of state student.

"I love your accent but you can have a seat next to Mr. Cullen just in front of Isabella she's also new." He informed the vampire who nodded.

Vincent walked toward the desk when he smelt the most intoxicating scent he had ever smelt in his entire existence. His eyes darted around the room to try and distinguish where it was coming from.

Taking a seat next to Edward the smell increased making him finally turn to look at Edward realizing that it was him the scent was leeching from.

His eyes darkened with disappointment at the sudden thought of what this meant. He couldn't possibly believe that he had mated with a cold one let alone one who didn't even look right.

He knew there was something different with that entire family the moment he locked eyes on them but he couldn't quite put what exactly it was until he smelt Edward.

They were a different species of vampires, a mere wronged copy of his people. These vampires were more immortal like than they were, their bodies were hard like crystals while their instincts were more animal like than humans.

A flaw in the attempts to make them superior than his people. They were Night Walkers meaning they could only walk amongst the night or else they'd burn in the sun on impact without hesitation.

These vampires could blend in the sunlight but not for to long or else their true colors would arise. They didn't have the same drives as they did or the same morals they had.

It was a known fact that the two species did not like one another as Cold ones didn't know Night Walkers existed because they laid low unlike these parasites. You had to be well over three centuries old to know the true ancestry of where the demons people hear in their dreams originated from.

For Edward he was mildly confused and frustrated...he didn't understand the meaning of how he mated with a human or so he thought. He could tell there was something off about Vincent but he couldn't place it,

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