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House Party▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃━08

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House Party
━08. Breaking Tensions

Vincent laid on his bed, his feet kicked up on the edge of it with his sketch books lying across the his stomach, while he listened to the sound of the rain that was pouring outside.

"Slow breaths can only help you so much, against someone who has excellent hearing Nico." Looking toward the door Nico pushed open the door walking inside his brother's room.

"What can I help you with?"

"I'm bored!" The youngest shouts flopping down on his bed—lifting an eyebrow Vincent stared at him confused.

"What the hell do you want me to do about it?"

"Entertain me peasant." Grumbling his brown eyes looked over into Vincent's blue ones.

"Entertain yourself you halfbreed bastard."

"Technically I was born from a marriage—you're the bastard." Smiling Nico rested his hands on his face.

"But yet, I'm the one who's taking over an entire country meanwhile you're going to be waiting for me hand in foot."

"Your an asshole!"

"I know, I get it from our father."

"But I was thinking what if we throw a house party?" Vincent suggested—Nico lifted his eyebrow with a smirk.

"You've peeked my interest."

"There's no denying that Forks—is boring as grandpa Dragomir's lessons, but we could change that. I suggest we throw a party, get these humans riled up a bit." Vincent smirked.

"Problem." Valentina emerged from the shadows, but Vincent knew she was there the entire time, she sat on the bed looking at them.

"Where is this party going to be thrown at? We can't throw it here, and we have no owned plot...no owned plot can't get inside." Val pointed out.

"Funny you should say that—I recently brought a beach house, down near the beach a couple months back. Private era, and nobody around for miles." Vincent smirked.

"And when were you going to tell us this?" Nico raised his eyebrow, shocked by this news.

"Never, I was just going to disappear one day and have you guessing where I was."

"You're evil." Val pointed out.

"Never claimed to be anything other."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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