Unfolding Elsewhere #1: 'The Deal'

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Knockturn Alley.
Just beside the faint streetlight that illuminates Borgin and Burkes.
Late into the midnight.

Was his client not going to come? He checked his watch. Twenty minutes post the scheduled time.

In the depths of Knockturn Alley, Jae Kim anxiously awaited the arrival of his enigmatic client. Unlike the shop owners that lined the street, Jae didn't have a storefront. He was a discreet dealer, known for procuring rare and peculiar items. Today, he had acquired something truly extraordinary - on request of the customer.

As the minutes ticked by, a sense of unease settled over Jae. His clients were usually prompt and composed, but today was different. He had an eerie feeling about this.

Feeling anxious, as this noncoming of his client would be the loss of the Galleons he had spent on getting this special item. He had beginning to worry he had been sent on a chase that would lead him to a fruitless tree.

He seemed restless, his eyes darting around nervously. Jae couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Finally, the client emerged from the shadows, his face obscured by a deep hood. There was an air of intimidation that surrounded him, unsettling Jae even further. With a hushed tone, the client demanded the obsidian shard, emphasizing its importance.

Jae handed over the small velvet pouch containing a shard, his hands trembling slightly. As the client inspected his acquisition, the shard - giving off a dark and purplish glow around the irregular cut piece, a chilling silence enveloped them. Suddenly, a cold chuckle escaped the client's lips, sending a shiver down Jae's spine. He reciprocated with a handful of gold coins and the deal was done. Or so was it that Jae thought?

A wave of fear washed over Jae when the client leaned in, his voice dripping with menace. He threatened Jae with dire consequences if any word of their transaction leaked out.

The weight of that threat hung heavily in the air, filling Jae with a sense of dread, disbelief and contempt.

As the client turned to leave, Jae's mind raced with questions. What was the true purpose of this mysterious obsidian shard? Why was it so important? Determined to protect himself and uncover the secrets behind this cryptic exchange, Jae made a solemn vow to dig deeper, even if it meant venturing into treacherous territory.

He knew business commanded a golden rule: Know only your profit and delivery address. Share nothing.
And yet he knew, Rules were meant to be broken in dire circumstances.

He would not trust anyone, except for one, good friend. It was in his best choice, to approach him. He wouldn't.
He knew better than to put his friend into trouble.

(454 words)
(Originally published on Tuesday, 19/12/2023)

Uh oh! Would that prove to be a costly mistake Jae? Time will tell. Yet readers, if you haven't noticed this is a sub-series that deals with things that are not happening around Sebastian. Do you want to see more of this or should I focus on the main story? These may or may not be linked to the main plot.
One more of such chapter today. Continue reading!

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