Chapter 7: 'The Wrath of the Dark Lord'

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The study was enveloped in shadows, the faint glow of candlelight casting an eerie glow across the room. I sat at my desk, my heart racing, as I prepared to face Lord Voldemort in a impromptu meeting. He usually doesn't meet anyone in this way. But I have targeted his trusted confidant. He will come. I know he would.

The air was thick with tension, the weight of my actions heavy on my shoulders.

A few hours later, the Dark Lord entered the room, his presence commanding, I felt a surge of adrenaline. My heart was beating fast. If Sebastian manages to evade this... I would be.. I don't let the sentence finish.

His red eyes bore into mine, searching for any sign of deceit. I knew I had to tread carefully, to justify my decision to manipulate the truth and get Sebastian King banished. I wouldn't like to see his face always hovering about me.

When I was young, not even attending Hogwarts but on a visit there, now when I am older, he always appears to be my guardian.

"Draco," Voldemort's voice echoed through the room, cold and menacing. "Explain yourself." See. He still doubts me even though my father is one of the oldest and most faithful supporter of his.

I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak. "My Lord, I bring grave news. Sebastian King, despite his claims of success, has failed to reach Albus Dumbledore. He is not as capable as he led us to believe."

Voldemort's expression darkened, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Explain yourself further, Draco. Why should I believe this accusation?"

I hesitated for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "My Lord, I have carefully observed Sebastian's actions and conversations. He himself has confessed that he totally fu- fumbled up and spilled the beans about our mission. He also failed the memory purge as you had insisted if anything goes haywire. It is clear to me that he lacks the necessary skills to carry out such a delicate mission. His incompetence is evident."

Sebastian King, once a trusted confidant, stood beside me, his face a mixture of confusion and frustration. "My Lord, I assure you, I did everything in my power to reach Dumbledore. Draco's accusations are baseless and driven by his personal grudge against me."

Voldemort's gaze shifted between us, his eyes narrowing. "Draco, why should I trust your word over Sebastian's? What evidence do you have?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that I had to pitch carefully. "My Lord, I have discreetly gathered information from reliable sources within our ranks. They have expressed concerns about Sebastian's abilities and dedication. It seems that his loyalty may be wavering."

Silence hung heavy in the room as Voldemort considered my words. I could feel the weight of his scrutiny, the intensity of his gaze. Finally, he spoke, his voice dripping with skepticism. "Sebastian, it appears that doubts surround your capabilities. I cannot afford to have any weaknesses within our ranks. You shall be banished to an English village on the outskirts of Scotland to prevent any further complications."

Sebastian's face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief. "My Lord, please, I implore you to reconsider. I have served you faithfully for years. Draco is manipulating the truth to further his own agenda."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Your pleas fall on deaf ears, Sebastian. Draco has presented compelling evidence, and I cannot ignore the doubts that have been raised. Your exile stands."

As Sebastian was escorted out of the room, his protests fading into the distance, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief. I had manipulated the truth, twisted the situation to my advantage. But in this treacherous world, survival meant taking drastic measures.

The weight of the decision settled on my shoulders as I sat alone in the study. My mind raced with conflicting emotions, the turmoil of betrayal and self-preservation. I knew the risks involved in manipulating the truth, but I also knew that in this world of darkness, only the strongest survived.

As the candles flickered and the room grew darker, I made a silent vow to myself. I would navigate this world of deception and manipulation, with resilience and steel. The path ahead would be treacherous, but I was determined to carve my own destiny, even if it meant keeping secrets that gnawed at my conscience.

(736 words)
(Originally published on Sunday, 24/12/2023)

I have a fee words to day. Tomorrow is Christmas. And today I wanted to have Christmas in the story too. But due to some circumstances like adding the segment 'Unfolding Elsewhere' and skipping a chapter once and an unplanned duel chapter, I couldn't get it out today. For the slow paced building of the story. Started on Halloween (both in reality and this magic world), I have come a far way. Although I have scarce support, I don't mind.
So, keep all the worries aside and enjoy the festivities.

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year in advance!
The story will continue next year... See you in 2024!

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