Chapter 8: 'The Intruder Strikes.... Again'

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As the sun set on a quiet evening, casting long shadows that danced along the walls of Sebastian's cozy home, a hooded figure lurked in the darkness, plotting a nefarious act.

Unknown to Sebastian, this intruder possessed a unique ability - the power to steal memories. With a sinister purpose in mind, the hooded figure had been observing Sebastian for weeks, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The intruder knew that Sebastian's memories held a secret, a secret that could change the course of many lives. Determined to obtain this valuable information, the hooded figure devised a plan to infiltrate Sebastian's home undetected.

Silently, the intruder slipped through an open window, his dark cloak billowing behind them. The room was dimly lit, with only a faint glow from the moon filtering through the curtains. The hooded figure moved stealthily, careful not to make a sound.

But little did he know, Sebastian was not as oblivious as he had assumed. Years of training as a former intelligence agent had honed his senses, and he had developed a sixth sense for danger.

As Sebastian lay in bed, a feeling of unease washed over him, causing him to stir from his slumber.

Sebastian's eyes fluttered open, and he immediately noticed the faint outline of a figure standing in the corner of his room. Instinctively, he reached under his pillow, his fingers wrapping around the smooth wooden handle of his wand. In this magical world, he knew he had a potent weapon at his disposal.

The intruder, confident in his ability, approached Sebastian's bedside, his gloved hand outstretched to touch his forehead and extract his memories. But just as his fingers were about to make contact, Sebastian's wand shot out a burst of dazzling light, forcing the hooded figure to shield his eyes.

Surprised and posed by Sebastian's sudden display of magic, the intruder stumbled backward, his hood, with a great effort avoided falling back to reveal a face filled with surprise and frustration. He had underestimated Sebastian's abilities.

With a flick of his wand, Sebastian conjured a magical barrier around himself, protecting his mind from any attempts to steal his memories. The intruder, realizing his plan had been foiled, tried to regain control of the situation. He cast a spell to try and break through Sebastian's protective shield, but his efforts were in vain.

Sebastian, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and determination, retaliated with a counter-spell, sending a wave of energy towards the intruder. The hooded figure was knocked off their feet, crashing into a nearby bookshelf, causing it to topple over with a loud crash.

The room fell silent for a moment, the intruder lying amidst a pile of books and debris, his cloak tattered but surprisingly their face remained masked. Sebastian cautiously approached, his wand still at the ready. The intruder, defeated and disoriented, made no attempt to escape.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed as he studied the stranger before him, their expression a mix of frustration and resignation. Who was this mysterious intruder, and why did he want his memories? What secrets did he hold?

With a determined glint in his eyes, Sebastian realized that the failed memory heist was just the beginning of a much larger mystery. He had felt someone on his tail all while long. Draco. Voldermort?? Some son of a bi- Death Eater, who was jealous of him??? He counted his options.

Little did he know, this encounter would set in motion a series of events that would lead him down a path filled with magic, danger, and the discovery of his own extraordinary destiny.

As the failed attempt at memory collection sent shockwaves through the room at Sebastian's house, panic gripped the hooded intruder. His eyes widen beneath the shadowy hood, his heart pounding in his chest.

Sebastian's grip tightened around his wand. With a calm determination in his eyes, he stood his ground, ready to defend himself and his mind. The wand hums with latent power, its vibe a silent reminder of the magic it holds.

The intruder felt his breath catch in his throat as he locked eyes with Sebastian, realizing the danger he now faced. Fear and uncertainty flickered across his face, but he quickly regained his composure, his mind racing for an alternate escape plan.

Sebastian's voice cuts through the tension-filled air, firm and commanding. He warns the intruder, his words laced with authority, urging him to surrender and reveal his true intentions.

The hooded intruder's instincts kick in, his mind calculating the risks and possibilities. He weighs his options, considering the consequences of engaging in a confrontation with Sebastian. With a mix of fear and determination, he made a split-second decision.

In a swift motion, the intruder lunges towards a nearby door, his body moving with a desperate speed. Sebastian reacts instinctively, raising his wand and casting a spell, but the intruder narrowly avoids it, ducking and dodging with uncanny agility.

The room erupts into chaos as the hooded intruder makes a break for freedom. Sebastian's wand flashes with spells, each one aimed at stopping the intruder in their tracks. But the intruder's movements are too quick, too elusive, as he navigates through the room with a single-minded purpose.

Sebastian's frustration mounts as his attempts to subdue the intruder prove futile. He watches helplessly as the intruder disappears through the door, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and unanswered questions. The room falls silent, the only sound echoing through the air is the fading footsteps of the hooded intruder.

With a heavy sigh, Sebastian lowers his wand.

(930 words)
(Originally published on Sunday, 31/12/2023)

The last day of the year needs a rewarding 900+ word chapter. Enjoy reading!
I know I had said that the last chapter was the last one in 2023, but couldn't resist adding this in. I would aim for a Tuesday, 'Unfolding Elsewhere' part, or two. No promises though!
Have a fun-filled and prosperous new year.

Author's Note: It's been a year wherein the world has progressed exponentially. Many discoveries have been made, records broken and new records formed. Jointly, this year has lived up to expectations and fed disappointment to a few and many. Where I stand is a different question, but like every year, I want to take positives from this year and bring it over to the next year. All the negatives need to be converted. I want to be a better and mature person in life. That's my resolution for 2024.


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