The Date The dinner The Kampê

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As you sat there in silence leaning into him his arm still wrapped around you, You begin to notice he smelled like... What was it roses? Vanilla? Heck you didn't know but it smelled nice and not to strong so it just made you relax more and you actually began to get sleepy.
"It's a long drive." Nico said beginning to notice you getting tired. "You can go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there."
"Okay thanks Nico." You whispered before closing your eyes and snuggling up close to him, you could've sworn he whispered 'I love you y/n' you smiled as you drifted off into sleep.

(Nico's perspective)
As he stared down at her blissfully sleeping he finally began notice how cute she was. All snuggled into him and how fragile her face looked when she was asleep. A matter of fact the only thing that could turn out bad to night is the only person with a weapon was percy and he had a pen-sword so if monsters attacked, Not going to be the best fight. After another 2 hours of driving they finally arrived Nico felt bad he had to wake y/n she looked so happy but he carefully began to nudge her. ( ur Perspective )

You where having good dreams when you felt someone start to nudge you a few times so you yawned and opened your eyes only to meet eyes with Nico. There was only like a 3 inch gap between you and him, You stared at his eyes they were really really dark and you could get lost in them easily. You began to back up when he leaned in closer and have you a short soft gentle kiss on the lips. When he pulled away he opened his door closed it then walked around to your side and let you out. He took your hand and laced his fingers together with yours as you walked towards a Ruby Tuesdays restaurant.

(TimeSkip cause I'm a fricken time lord and I can do this stuff )

When you and Nico finished eating you began to wonder how he would pay.
"So Nico how are you going to pay for all this?" You asked playfully but curiously. Just then a man with dark black hair a leather jacket and sun glasses walked up to them.
"I'll be paying for you tonight young girl." The man spoke mysteriously.
"Sir, who are you?" There was something off about him you didn't like.
"I'm Hades." He spoke as if it wasn't a common question.
Your eyes widened "Oh.."
"Well here's the money to pay, I best be going." He dropped a stash of money on the table then disappeared.
Nico gave the waiter the money then locked eyes with you again only to stare behind you.
"Y/n duck!" you ducked as he sent a butter knife soaring above you only to impel in a persons forehead behind you. The person became dust, then two other lady's merged from the dust they had snakes for hair and instead of legs they had tails. Kampê. Your eyes widen as you exit the booth and run with Nico to the door exit as you run outside you notice the Limo wasn't there Percy must of went for a drive. Meanwhile Nico was throwing punches and kicks at one of the Kampê not having any weapons. You notice a Kampê sneaking up behind Nico so you run in back of him shove him out of the way but only to get talons to your gut. The cut stings and burns they must of put poison on themselves to do more damage. You lay there blacking out slowly as Nico kicks the one that clawed you so hard he hit it once and it exploded into dust. You black out but feel warm yet cold arms wrap around you and pick you up. You felt him adjust your position then you felt wind all around you, You
Open your eyes slightly every thing around you was a blur Nico looked badly bruised and cut and then you noticed you where moving. Shadow travel. You black out again.

(Nico's perspective )
As he shadowed traveled them away he noticed blood was dripping from her onto his arms and it was staining her white blouse. Immediately He felt like crying he didn't like seeing her this badly hurt trying to help him from an attack from the back . The landscape around them shifted as they arrived at camp again. He laid her down in the grass before screaming for help. He watched as people from the infirmary lifted her and ran to the infirmary Nico following close behind but quickly lost pace with them and stopped watching them carry her father away. "I'm so sorry y/n." He said as silent
Tears coursed down his face.

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