Deathles and Cuddles

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This is where I finally put this book on track with an okay plot and stuff :]

The next morning you jolted awake, nearly slamming your head into the wooden support beams of the bunk above you.
"I see you're finally awake." Nico's voice echoed around the room. You looked over and saw him sitting on a wooden chair next to your bed like a vulture.
"Stalker much?" You raised an eyebrow at him, combing you messy h/c hair out of your face.
"Hey it's not my fault your screaming and labored breaths woke me up at 4:50 in the morning." He stared at you emotionlessly as you rubbed your face. "Wanna talk about it?"
"Nah, it's not a big deal." You inhaled deeply before exhaling.

•• Flashback of Nightmare ••

All around you was pure darkness, your lungs felt tight and heavy.
You quickly realized you couldn't breathe.
It was like you where suffocating, you moved a hand up to your throat only to see it had a slow movement, like a water effect.
Your heart began drumming in your ear as you began struggling, trying to swim. But it was pointless.
The people in your past began calling out, insulting you and calling you names.

You tried calling for Nico....
But no one came.....

No noise came out...

Suddenly the sound of glass breaking and screaming echoed loudly. Air bubbles surrounded you.

•• End ••

"Y/N...?" Nico snapped his fingers in front of you, making you whiplash back into reality.

"Hm? Oh...s-sorry." You stammered. Nico looked at you, his face not showing any emotion but his eyes full of concern.

"Cmon... We're gonna be late for breakfast..."

"Okay... Let me just get ready..." You said, throwing the covers off of you and standing up, Nico just stood there. You shooed him out the door before closing it and locking it.

You quickly got changed into a white tank top and tan cargo shorts, you had put your bathing suit on under them just in case they had some sort of pool, or stopped to swim.

You quickly brushed your hair, and teeth in a small closet sized bathroom in the corner of your room before running out and opening the door, seeing Nico was waiting in the hall for you.

"Aw, how sweet you actually bypassed your grumpy morning self to wait for me." You said, putting a hand over your heart and making a dramatic awed face.

He heavily sighed. "I'm begining to wonder who's the real jerk around here."

"Rude.." You muttered before continuing to walk down the hall until our entered the room everyone was eating in.

You heard Leo sigh. "Weather calls for storms... But that doesn't mean we can't play board games !"  Everyone groaned at board games except Hazel, who happily clapped.  You looked around and noticed Percy and Annabeth weren't there.

"Where are the other two?"

"Went to finish their last years in school.." Jason said, wrapping an arm around Piper as he said so.

"Hm, I see." You nodded in understanding. You sat down and began to eat some toast and scrambled eggs. Next to you, Nico sat and began to eat a bowl of Cheerios.

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