Night 9??????? - No fun allowed!

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Tari keeps searching at the bookshelves, pulling one book at the time but feeling upset that nothing happened. She looks behind her, seeing the gang all together but feels more concerned with the broken glasses on the floor.

Tari: Uhh what happened with the broken glasses? Are those potions?

Meggy looks at her smiling.

Meggy: Oh it was nothing, Mario and Four got scared of a spider-

Mario tries to grab another potion as Meggy sees this and slaps his hand.

Meggy: Mario no! Don't throw anymore at the spider! It's already dead!

Mario looks away from Meggy annoyed and stares at the spider when she rolls her eyes and looks back at Tari.

Meggy : Anyway, did you find anything?

Tari: No, I didn't find anything...

Tari sees the cuteness between Three and Four and squeals quietly.

Tari: Awww why are they so adorable together?

Meggy giggles.

Meggy: It's because they're made for each other and work so well together! Right Mario?

Mario keeps staring at the spider very intensely while not paying any attention to what Meggy is saying.

Mario: Yeah, sure whatever you said weird squid.-

Meggy rolls her eyes of annoyance.

Tari: Weird squid? Meggy you're not weird! I think you're so cool!

Meggy: Aww thanks Tari, you're cool too. I wish Mario would stop calling me that...

The gay boys finish their gay activities and join them while looking at the bookshelves.

Smg3: What are you trying to do? Pull every book until a secret room appears? What is this? Scoody Doo?

Smg4: Did it work tho?

Three turns his head at Four with a "wtf" face as his stinky fiance didn't hear what he said earlier. Meggy giggles and blushes a bit. Mario looks over at Three.

Mario: oOOooh are we going to find a person in a costume trying to be very scary? Oh can Mario get some Mario snacks!? ooOOoooh yummy!

Three looks at Mario deadpan.

Smg3: Seriously? Mario's snacks? I hope this chapter isn't like the episode of Scooby Doo!

Smg4: Mario's snacks? Doesn't have a ring to it...

Smg3: It was so bad that the snack expired-

Smg4: Wait, what do you mean by "chapter" hun?

Smg3: .....Don't worry about baby blue-

Meggy looks over at Three confused.

Meggy: Chapter? Like a book? Cute grump what are you talking about?

Mario: It's ok Meggy, Papa3 just got the stupid! oOOoOoh Papa3 is one of us!


Three furrows his eyebrows angrily at Mario but Four giggles and smirks.

Smg4: Hehehe Three caught the stupid-

Smg3: NO I DIDN'T!

Mario and Four start chanting "One of us!" happily pumping their arms in the air like cheerleaders while smiling enthusiastically and circles around Three. Tari giggles a little bit while watching them being sillies.

Halloweenies Nights (SMG34 Halloween special 🎃)Where stories live. Discover now