Requests for Heroes of the Multiverse

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Chapter 7: List of the chapters (requests)

Hey everyone Asperger Hero here ! With some news for Multiverse Supreme : With the requests that will concern the 52 requests which will concern Multiverse Supreme or Miraculous Toons : Season 2.

Stealth (Furtif) : It's Halloween once again in Paris. As the Miraculous heroes are gathering for a Halloween Scavenger Hunt organized by Sam's parents. Randall is akumatized as Stealth (Aka in French : Furtif) with the help of the Sentimonster : Lump of Horror (Aka in French : Immondice) who then steals kidnaps children on Halloween. It's up to the Miraculous Heroes to save the children and defeat Randall and the Lump of Horror.

Shadybug & Claw Noir Strikes back : (Le retour de Toxinelle et Griffe Noire) : As Sam, Marinette, Naofumi and Raphtalia are invited in a sleepover at Alya's house, they are alongside Alya and Nora teleported to a Paris in the Multiverse where Shadybug (Toxinelle) and Claw Noir (Griffe Noire) are bad guys and where Gabriel is a super-hero known as Hesperia. Soon the whole team joins them in the dimension where they will help Hesperia awaken Shadybug and Claw Noir inner heroes and prevents Vlad Plasmius (Danny Phantom) stealing Hesperia's Miraculous so the Akuma Alliance and the Ghosts of the Netherworld can rule suprem in that dimension who's part of the Multiverse.

Tis the season to be naughty : (Affreux Noël) : The Ghosts of the Netherworld plans to bring back Santa Claws (Aka in French : Pire Noël) using their newest asset : King Magnifico (Wish). It's up to the Miraculous Heroes Team to save the Christmas Holiday from one desillusional king and Santa Claus once again akumatized by Hawk Moth. Fortunately for our heroes, two new heroes that Greg, Connor and Amaya know very well and also 2 new heroes that Natsu and Erza knows as well : Ivan/Ice Cub (Holder of the Polar Bear Miraculous) and Lilifay (Holder of the Space Firefly Miraculous) for Greg, Connor and Amaya and Grey Fullbuster (Ice Element Miraculous) and Lucy Heartfilia (Star Gemini Constellation Miraculous) and also Violet (A cousin of Sam and Ian, Vincent and Amanda's Noctis daughter and holder of the Snow Owl Miraculous) will help them save Santa Claus being akumatized as Santa Claws and save the magic of Christmas.

Repairing a broken heart : (Tigr'amour) : During Valentine, Manny feels lonely compared to his friends who all have love interests, Hawk Moth took advantage of Manny's sadness and loneliness during Valentine and akumatizes him as "Valentiger" (Aka in French : Tigr'amour), it's up to the Miraculous Heroes Team to save Manny, fortunately our heroes will be helped by two persons that Manny knows pretty well : Manny's father : Rodolfo (Manny's father) (holder of the Mexican Panther Miraculous) and Frida Suerez (Manny's childhood friend) (Holder of the Guitar Miraculous).

Mega-Markov : (Méga-Markov) : Paris is holding the bi-annual Tech Fest, a celebration of all things technology! To Sam and his parents, it will be a very important day for them as well for Max, especially excited to show off his latest gadgets, thanks to the aid of his trusty robot Markov. Montana Max, out of jealousy for Max, Markov and Sam friendship, Montana Max asks Hawk Moth to be akumatized again as Turbo-Bully (Turbo-Tyran) but Romeo reminds Montana Max that his plan to be akumatized as Turbo-Bully due to his hatred towards Sam, failed because of the Miraculous Heroes so he advises perhaps another plan to akumatize Markov (Max's robot friend) as Robostus, which Montana Max admits this is not a bad idea but Hawk Moth reminds the two boys that they must be careful with their plans since Makarov as first : betrayed Hawk Moth (Robostus) and since Alya has defeated Robostus again as Hack-San (Hack-San), when she replaced Marinette as the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous. So the boys asks Felix to uses the Dire Wolf Dark Miraculous to turn Markov as an upgraded and more powerful form than Robostus and Hack-San : Mega-Markov. Fortunately for our heroes another hero from the Multiverse that Lapis knows pretty well lend a helping hand and joins the team : Peridot (Holder of the Robot Miraculous) to save Markov and the bi-annual Tech Fest due to another nasty trick of Les Enfants Terribles.

Puppeteer 3 : (Le Marionnettiste 3) : It's Greg's birthday and the Miraculous Team are excited to celebrate their friend birthday who's also holder of the Gekko Miraculous, due to Manon's feeling neglected once again (And once again, Marinette has to babysit her that day), she's akumatized as Puppeteer (Marionnettiste) and this time she's helped by Luna Girl to retrieve the Miraculous, our heroes will have to once again save Nadia Chamack's daughter and also Greg's birthday before it is ruined by Manon/Puppeteer and Luna Girl tag-team of chaos.

Spirit Weaver : (Les secrets de la famille Noctis) : To celebrate the first days of Summer Break, the Civilian identities of the Miraculous Heroes Team alongside the students of Mrs Bustier, Mrs Mendeleiv and Principal Damocles are invited on a field trip chaperoned by Nick and Lily (Sam's parents) to celebrate another friendship week between France and the United States to New-York and also to attend the Noctis' family homecoming which will also serve to Sam's 16th birthday and the heroes will also meets the others members of the Noctis Family, there also 3 new family members of the Noctis' family : Jonathan Noctis (One of Sam's uncles and Journalist), Abigail Noctis (One of Sam's aunts and Novelist) and Gary Ashton Noctis (Another one of Sam's cousins and holder of the Detective Raven Miraculous), but the week and festivies are cut short when Hawk Moth and the Ghosts of the Netherworld plans an amubsh at the Noctis' family mansion during Sam's 16th birthday : The members who are going to plan the ambush are : Spooky (Pac-Man World 2), Nomis the Necromancer (OC), Techno Pirate (He joins Hawk Moth's alliance once again as part of the Ghosts of the Netherworld) King Magnifico (WISH) and Grape (Princess Peach Showtime). The Miraculous Heroes Team will make an alliance with the United Heroez and the Miraculous Holders of the Noctis Family to fend off the villains and save New-York once again, which is also Sam, Zoe, Andy, Liv, Mike, Miles, Jake, Betty, Geovanni and Gwen's hometown, apart from this two new members will join the team : Gary Ashton Noctis (Detective Raven Miraculous) and Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) (Twilight Dragon Miraculous).

Chocolizer (Choco-tyran) : Banned from the Paris Easter Festival, Mayor Humdinger (Paw Patrol) part of the Ghosts of the Netherworld, is akumatized as Chocolizer (Choco-Tyran) to turn Paris into a huge city made of chocolate and eat this till no trace of chocolate is left just to avenge his banishment from the Paris Easter Festival, our heroes will need not only to deal with an akumatized mayor and also his crew of mischevious kitten (Kitty Crew Catastrophe), fortunately for our heroes they will be helped by three heroes that Peridot and Lapis Lazuli knows very well : Steven Universe (Star Shield Miraculous), Pearl (Steven Universe) (Aquarius Constellation Miraculous, this one is guarded by Master FU) and finally Amethyst (Purple Puma Miraculous).

Mirabel Badrigal : (La funeste famille Badrigal) : When the Madrigals visit Paris, they meet the Miraculous heroes. When Chloe mocks Mirabel for not having a gift, Mirabel's anger stems, fueled by Shadow Moth, who creates a sentimonster of Mirabel, but an evil copy, called Mirabel Badrigal, with the power to mimic every one of her family's gifts, and cause chaos in Paris, and let the Madrigals take the blame for the crimes with the help of Lila and Malty (Shield Hero). Mirabel and Alma are the only ones to escape being arrested, and ask for help to stop the evil clone. Mirabel is given the Goat Miraculous, and becomes a Goat Miraculous wielder, called Magicabra, to help face the evil Mirabel Badrigal, not only that but Felix and Agustin receives new Miraculous guarded by Alma : Felix : Tiger Miraculous and Agustin : Turtle Miraculous and also a familiar face from Ochako, Kyoka and Momo joins also the team to help the Madrigal to have their innocence proven : Izuku Midoriya (Superhero Snake Miraculous), Bruno and Julieta joins the teams as part of the mentors. Can the alliance with the Miraculous Heroes Team and the Madrigal family can save the day ?

A request based on Frozer : TBA

A request based on Evillustrator : TBA

A request based on Bananice in the cartoon : Ghost Force : TBA

A request where we'll see family members of Laguna alongside OC's from MasterClass60 and TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3.

A request where Hamster & Gretel (from the Disney Channel Cartoon of the same name) will join the Miraculous Heroes Team.

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