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"Are you sure you have everything?" Silena Beauregard looked through my bag with a panicked look on her face. My best friends Cyrus Eirene, Duke Sinclair, Marinette Nakamura, and Charlie Beckendorf were there to see me off the next morning.

Cyrus was currently praying to his dad (Apollo) to help me on this Quest, even though the dude probably wouldn't be able to help me cause I needed to go somewhere 'the sun dies' but it was a nice thought. Duke was playing with the ring on his finger, the ring of protection that his mother had given him. He had almost died a few years ago due to being stabbed, and his mom - hecate - had given him a ring of protection because he was her eldest child (or something like that, not really sure to be honest).

Charlie was calming down a teary-eyed Silena while looking concerned himself while Marinette looked like she was ready to bust into tears.

"Yup, all packed, Lena." She kissed my head and fixed my hair, I think it's what mom's do to their kid on their first day of school. Charlie looked ready in tears. He placed a dainty ring on my finger and hugged tightly. "The ring is a lighter. Press it twice, and it will light up. I have extra lighters packed in your bag in case this runs out, okay?" I nodded and smiled as he kissed my head.

Marinette walked over with a little necklace and a batch of her famous red velvet cookies. She put them in my bag and put the necklace on me. "It's a charm that I got from my mom. She gave one to both Ethan and I. It protects you from people seeking possible life-threatening revenge." She let go, tears streaming down the scar under her left eye that her twin brother, Ethan Nakamura, had given her when they were children. "Listen, Maru, if you find my brother, tell him to come home, I miss him." I felt bad for the poor girl, losing her twin brother to her ex-boyfriend.

Cyrus walked over to me and gave me his sun necklace. My eyes widened. "Cy, I can't take this! It's the only thing you got from your dad!" He smiled softly at me as he put it on, "Exactly, Princess. That's why you're going to wear it. If you meet him and he sees you wearing this, he'll know it's you." Cyrus kissed my head and held me close while muttering something in ancient greek. Cyrus was 3 years older than me, making him 17. He was the one who found me when I ran away (along with Hedwig the Satyr) and we both came to camp together. The moment he got claimed, I started crying out of pure stress and anxiety that he would leave me. Mind you, I was 9 years old. He, being the amazing brother he was, comforted me and even let me stay in Apollo cabin sometimes, I'm actually really good friends with his little half-brother Will Solace.

Last but not least, Duke. He walked over to me, his ring on his hand. "Take it, don't make it weird." He huffed, shoving his protection ring on my hand. I gaped at it. It was a beautiful plain ring with the letters D.S. on it. On the inner part, 'Son of Hecate' was written. "Dukey, I can't take this -" He cut me off with an aggressive hug. He was near tears (just like the rest of my friends). "Take it. Give it back to me when you come back home, alright?" I nodded, swallowing slightly. I put the ring on, and I swear I tasted grapes and blueberries for a second.

I stared at the ring in confusion. "Why are you initials still on? Don't they change when the person wearing it is someone else?" Duke shook his head. "No, that only happens if the previous wearer dies. So if I die, the ring is now permanently yours till you give it to someone else." I nodded in understanding. "Coolio."

Silena pushed past Duke and hugged me once again just as Chiron made his way to us. "Take care, okay, sweetie?" I smiled at Silena's motherly nature. "Always Lena." She kissed my cheek and muttered a quick prayer to her mother before stepping back to wish Clarisse goodbye.

Charlie hugged me again, and soon enough, we were all in a group hug. "Guys, you're killing me!" I gasped desperately at the lack of air.

They let go due to the sudden sound of a hoof hitting the ground. Chrion is standing there with Mr. D. Oh shit, Mr. D!

I nervously stared at the ground as he walked towards me. He placed his cold hand on my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. His purple eyes turn into something else, the horrors of drunken men dying, people choking on wine, and people going crazy. Then he blinked and smiled at me. "Take care, Amara. Remember what I taught you." I swallowed and nodded, remembering our lessons. Chiron smiled approvingly and walked over to both Clarisse and I. "Let us go, children." We walk away, and I almost want to run back to Silena and Charlie when I hear Silena cry.

"Wait!" I abruptly stopped and turned around, causing Chrion to stop. I ran towards Charlie and Silena and hugged them one last time. "Try not to die without me, okay guys?" I smiled at them, causing Silena to tear up even more. I hugged them tightly, taking in the scent of death, burning metal, and roses. Silena took off her bracelet and gave it to me. "It's not much, and it doesn't have any charm, but it will remind you of me in case you need to... you know... use it. I love you, Amaru. So much, and I am so proud of you." I smiled at her, and I felt like crying again. God, I'm such a fucking cry baby.

I bid them goodbye for the last time and walked back to Clarisse.

"Do you girls have any idea as to where you are going?" Clarisse and I stared at each other. "No." She stated bluntly, not making eye contact with Chiron. "Well, I was thinking about it, and I didn't really get it. I got the part where it said 'when the moon shines and the sun dies,' which basically means nightfall on a full moon." Chiron and Clarisse nod, listening to me as I told them what I knew.

"And on midnight of the full moon, Clarisse has to get some fatal mark from her lovers spark to find something marked by Kronos. I'm thinking that the Heir part is regarding maybe his son?" I looked over to Chiron, who has suddenly gotten pale.

"Did Kronos have any demigod children?" Chiron looked at the strawberry field. A stray tear ran down his cheek. "Yes, a long time ago, Kronos has a mortal son. He was said to be killed on the spot by government officials because his mother was a criminal, and they feared that he was just like her. He was a beautiful boy, golden hair with honey brown eyes. He was the finest warrior I had ever seen. It's a shame he was killed when he had barely turned 14. Kronos blamed the gods, causing his hatred to go deeper than Gaia."

Clarisse and I stared at each other. "Where was Kronos' son born, Chiron?" The gears in my brain were turning. "The underworld." Never mind. "He was born in the underworld, then taken to the mortal world when he was 5 years of age. I'm not sure where, though." I blinked and stared at Clarisse, who looked sick. "So, we're going to have to go to the underworld. Cool. Cool, Coolio."

"Where do we even find the entrance to the underworld?" Clarisse asked Chiron, who looked guilty. "I'm sorry, children, but I mustn't say any more than I already have. Take care." And with that, he galloped away.

"Percy said that he said, "Woe to all depraved souls," and a bit of the ground next to the sign crumbled away, leaving an entrance to the Underworld. Well- more specifically, the entrance at the River Styx where Charon was there, waiting for them to cross the River Styx. Didn't say where the sign was exactly." Clarisse groaned. "Great! Just fucking great!" And threw her spear on the ground before picking it up again. I grabbed her hand in an attempt to soothe her down as we walked outside camp halfblood.

Onward to the underworld or whatever.


- This chap is lokey shit wtf

- also, happy new year! I'm posting this after a whole year I'm so sorry for being in active and posting this chapter after one WHOLE year. (I'm sorry I js had too 😔) anyways, thank all of you so so SO much for the support and love for this book. I hope all of you have an amazing year ahead! 💕

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