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We were given a ride to Los Angeles by Argus. Well, he drove us to a certain place, then Clarisse called her dad's chariot driver dude, and we made our way to Los Angeles.

"Are you 100% sure that it's under the H of the Hollywood sign?" I asked Clarisse, who only nodded. "Yes. 100%." I didn't question her, just nodded and followed along. I looked towards mortals passing by. It amazed me how some people just go around their whole life, not knowing that they are surrounded by gods and demigods. For all I know, that Latino kid with curly hair that was talking with that tall girl in a ski jacket could be a demigod. They could both be. We will never know.

"Hey, I know this is kinda stupid, but how did you get claimed? Did you like, know that Lord Ares was your father before he claimed you, or?" I sheepishly asked, I wanted to know stories and see what they had in common to see what I could do to get my godly daddy to fucking claim me. Her glare softened as she glanced at me. "I..." She took a deep breathe before looking back outside. "I was a violent kid. I didn't know why, I just, I wasn't a violent kid, I didn't know why I was always fighting or getting angry. I don't actually remember when or why, I started reading about Greek Mythology. I read about Ares and.." She looked down towards her hands and balled them into a fist. "I thought he was so fucking cool. He — In Greek mythology, he was a feminist, a protector of women. Ares was known for generally showing respect towards his female partners. They considered it his soft side. Ares was a violent, bloody god, but he was said to be only only wrathful towards those who like disobeys the law and make war. Typically, Ares represented the upholder of laws, and the — and I quote — overprotective father." I raised my eyebrow in doubt. "What?"

"Exactly!" She shouts, throwing her hands up in the air. "When I came to camp, I wanted to be the daughter of Ares. I wanted to be loved and cared for by him. But, it never happened because Ares doesn't give a shit about his daughters. Only his sons. I got claimed after I took down my older brother in combat. Hell, I don't even think he likes any of his children." I nodded in understanding. She suddenly straightened up and cleared the throat. "Don't tell anybody or else I will rip you in half." I nodded and promised not to say anything. She nodded and closed her eyes, sleeping (I think).

After about 10 minutes, I felt weight on my left shoulder. My head snapped towards that direction. Clarisse. Clarisse was resting on me. I stare at her with wide eyes. "Okay, this is normal. Yeah, it's totally normal." I nodded, staring outside again. Eventually, I felt like I was dozing off myself.



Clarisse was in an ocean. Swimming. She took a deep breath the moment she entered the surface. "The fuck?" She muttered, the ocean was red. Was this even water? "Clarisse La Rue." A voice boomed. Clarisse's eyes widened, staring at the figure in front of her. A silhouette of.. something. It was raining red water and she couldn't see. "Who are you?" She demanded, struggling to stay on top of the red water. The silhouette laughed. "You should know me, you loved me!" Her eyes widened, no. "Father?" The silhouette's smile wiped of his face immediately. Suddenly, Clarisse was floating out of the water and levitating towards the Silhouette, unable to move. That was not water. Clarisse tried to look brave as the silhouette pulled her close to it. "You are lucky that my heir is so fond of you." The silhouette growled.

"Listen here, little girl. I am not that disgusting creature of a god and disgrace of a father. I am someone better, someone more powerful. Someone who isn't supposed to have a child but loves her with all of their being. Someone who needs you to protect their child." Clarisse gaped at the silhouette. "Your chi-?" She paused, the eyes of the silhouette becoming visible. Silver-Gold eyes stare back at her. "Y- You're Amara's dad." He rolled his eyes, but a small smile graced the silhouette at the mention of his daughter. "You're a smart one, aren't you."

"Amara Persephone Dimitriou, my heir, is in danger." Clarisse felt her heart drop. Her skin was getting itchy. She looked around her. This was not water. Then it struck her, Amara was in danger. "What? By who? I'll kill them!" She shouted. The silhouette's smiled at Clarisse. "Good choice, my heir." He muttered to himself.

"By who?" Clarisse demanded yet again. The silhouette was about to answer when she heard shouting. The silhouette cursed. He looked back at Clarisse with what seemed like a grim look before he started chanting spells. "Take care of my heir for me. She's all I have. Save my daughter!" Then he dropped her in the ocean of blood. Clarisse struggled to stay on top. The ocean of blood was moving, and the tides were angry. Was there a greek god of blood? Clarisse couldn't think. She wasn't the strongest swimmer, so eventually, out of pure exhaustion, she fell.

Clarisse was drowning. Sinking. Dying. She was falling like Icarus through something she loved. Icarus loved the sun, the air, the sky. Clarisse loved blood. And now she was falling like Icarus. She was sinking and possibly dying. She was dying, and she didn't even save Amara. She didn't die a heroic death. She died like an idiot. Tossed into the ocean of blood by a god. Maybe the god of blood? Who was that?

Who was she? She doesn't remember anything. Other than Amara. Amara. Amara Persephone Dimitriou, the unclaimed camper. The girl with tan skin and silver-gold eyes. The girl with anger issues. The girl who would always act different around her. The girl who would always make her feel better with a simple smile. The girl who caught her eyes the moment she stepped inside camp. Her. Amara. She remembered Amara, but not herself. Who was she?


She was Clarisse.


Was she Clarisse?






Clarisse's eyes shot open, and she jumped forward, looking around. She was still in the car. She was okay. She looked towards Amara. Amara was also okay. But not for long. Clarisse shook her head and pulled Amara close and hugged her. Amara didn't say anything, just hugged her back and said sweet nothings in her ear.

Soon enough, they made it to the Hollywood sign and opened the entrance to the underworld. Clarisse was slowly forgetting about the dream, only remembering the fact that Amara was in danger and the fact that she had to protect her. Did something happen in The Underworld? If so, Clarisse would go fighting Hades herself to get Amara back. Nobody touched Amara and got away with it. Just ask Chris Rodriguez from Hermes cabin.

"Ready?" Amara asked, lightly squeezing the girl's hand. "Fuck, I dunno." She muttered. Amara didn't hear her but took it as a yes and jumped.

So sorry loves omg, my life's been going downhill recently, and I've been super busy and stuff so I'm taking a not of time to write, I'm so sorry my loves, once again, thank you so so SO much for deciding to read my book (no, I'm not abandoning it, yet)

Bye loves 🫶🏼

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