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I had no idea what happened, but the next thing I knew, we were in front of Hades, who was sitting on his throne, staring at me with a smile. What the fuck. "Er— Hello, Lord Hades." I muttered, bowing down in respect. He wasn't an Olympian, but he was by far one of my favourite gods after Pluto and Mars (roman gods). Clarisse stared at him suspiciously before also bowing down towards the god. "Hades." She muttered, not looking the god in the eye, only staring at the ground.

"Rise, demigods." He boomed, though his voice had a faint hint of amusement under the bored look covering his face and his voice. "What brings you here, young travellers? You both are clearly not dead." He glanced towards me uncertainly for a moment before his eyes snapped back towards both of us before he told us to stand up.

"We are on a quest, my lord." I respectfully said. He hummed, though it honestly looked like he already knew that. "What is the prophecy?" Clarisse glared at the god before grabbing me by the collar and pulling me close to her face. I want to say that I didn't blush, but I can't. I narrowed my eyes when Clarisse told me that I couldn't trust the god. "Yes, we can, Clarisse. Just because some gods are deadbeats doesn't mean that all of them are!" I furiously whispered. I didn't know why, but I've always had respect for Hades. She glared at me but said nothing. We kept glaring at each other till we heard someone let out a cough. "Right, sorry, Lord Hades. The prophecy is—" I cleared my throat before speaking up.

"The unclaimed half-blood must race,
must find what has been hidden without a trace,
she shall venture without her beauty or revenge,
go back to ones birthplace,
when the moon shines and the sun dies,
the daughter of war must get the fatal mark of her lovers spark to find the ancient mark of time,
find his heir,
before he who has risen commits more than just a war crime."

I watched as Hades obsidian eyes widened, and he looked at paper white pale. "Kronos." He muttered. I nodded. "That's what I think as well, my lord." I agreed, causing Clarisse to nod her head as well, though she didn't comment.

"I think I know why you are here, Amara Persephone Dimitriou." Hades smiled slightly at the middle name. "You need to go to... Tartarus." My heart stopped. Fuck. Clarisse gasped. "Are you fucking serious?!" She growled, ready to charge him. "Wait." Hades' eyes widened in realisation. He got up from his throne, though it still had a faint glow, and he started pacing around the room at an inhumane pace, muttering the prophecy again and again. I awkwardly let go of Clarisse who raised her eyebrow at the god and turned to me, giving me a look that said 'The fuck is he doing' to which I just shrug my shoulders in an 'I dunno' motion. "Oh Chaos." He breathed out after suddenly stopping. "You will have to go where no mortal has ever been and survived. You- No, I could be wrong. You have to go to Chaos." Hades said. Clarisse rose an eyebrow in amusement. "Chaos? Aren't they like, a void?" I froze. "Chaos. The god who..." My mouth felt dry. "The god who killed my mother?" I felt myself get weak on my knees. The last thing I felt was Clarisse's cold bracelet touching my skin.

My mother wasn't the best, but she wasn't one of the worst either. My mother was harsh, short tempered, overly emotional and stubborn, but how could I hate her because so was I. When I was younger, I had absolutely no control over my emotions. I would blow up on her like an explosion, and she'd retaliate like a volcano. I wasn't the best with words, I still am not, so I never really told my mom how I felt, I just kept it all inside of me until it started eating me apart, bit by bit. I would feel so much, but I wouldn't know how to express it. I wanted to get away, I was about to, actually, at the age of 9 with my friend, Luke, but she got sick. I might not love my mother like other daughters do, but she was all I had, and I needed to make sure she was okay. I stayed back and I met the man who was my father.

"Amara?" I shook my head, looking around. "Are you alright, demigod?" Hades pale face came to vision as I tried standing up, only to be held back by what felt like Clarisse's hands. I nodded weakly, not really trusting my words at the moment.

Not the best. I'm so sorry, but I've been super busy with sports, and I actually got badly hurt, and shit happened, so I'm not going to be updating as much. Tysm for your patience 🫶🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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