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This novel contains harsh descriptions of heinous crimes, violence, gore, swear words, and disturbing scenes, and other issues that may be considered inappropriate for younger readers. Parents are advised to exercise caution when determining whether this content is appropriate for their children.


November 24, 1882

        UPON THE footsteps nearing the open door, a figure emerged, hid height and his entire appearance instantly recognizable before her. The shock and surprise were evident upon her features, as the familiar face and figure struck a deep chord within her. "How could he be here? How did he find me?" Her questions swirled endlessly within her mind, making it nearly impossible for her to remain still and calm.

In an instant, the man's approaching figure caught Lindice's attention, causing her to swiftly grasp her scythe and take a defensive and aggressive position. Her weapon was now poised towards the man, the blade held in the direction of his body as a threat and a warning. The tension between them was palpable and the situation was tense, with the possibility of an unexpected outcome existing in the air between them.

"Lindice, stop!" Charlotte shouted with an urgent tone of desperation, her attempt to avert the confrontation falling on deaf ears as Lindice's eyes were locked on the stranger before her, her grip tightening around her weapon with every passing moment. Her focus was solely on the man in front of her, her intense stare suggesting a state of mind where logic had long been superseded by blind rage and fury.

"I thought you wanted her to be here Madame Dorothea?" Lindice exclaimed, her finger pointing at the man in question. "But out of all those people who would help us, why him?" she continued, her voice dripping with confusion and dismay. Dorothea just gave her a subtle smile, suggesting that she knew exactly what she was doing. Whatever it was that motivated her decision, it appeared to be beyond the understanding of Lindice and the rest of the ladies present.

The verbal exchange between Lindice and her superior, madame Dorothea, concluded abruptly as the young girl opted for a non-violent response. Instead of continuing to brandish her weapon, she simply glared at the man with a defiant and petulant expression, letting her displeasure and anger be known, despite her decision not to actually attack him. Having completed her protest, she then proceeded to place her deadly scythe in the proper place before she stood in her designated area of the room, her mood still sullen and sour.

In a sudden shift in the mood, Charlotte departed her place of position and closed the distance between her and the unexpected man who had just arrived. "Brother, h-how?" she uttered in bewilderment, her confusion and surprise evident in her tone. She then cast her eyes towards madame Dorothea, seeking answers as to how her brother had arrived unannounced, and why he was here in the manor.

The sudden appearance of Callistopher, Charlotte's brother, immediately set the atmosphere on fire. His loud and worried voice filled the room, its intensity and volume indicating the level of his concern and the seriousness of the situation at hand. "Charlotte, we have been searching for you for three years! How could you just leave without informing us?" he exclaimed, the intensity of his tone and the tight grip he had on his sister's shoulders indicating the depth of his anguish and pain at her unexpected disappearance and absence for the past years.

"But this is the sole means of attaining liberation for myself!" she screamed in a tremulous voice, her words quivering as tears began to cascade down her face. In the midst of her emotional state, her desire for independence and liberty became clear, as the sole purpose behind her decision became apparent.

Van Deloney: To My Dearest Emma [[BOOK ONE]]Where stories live. Discover now