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"Love may be a beautiful thing, but sibling love is something truly special. It is a pure and unconditional affection between siblings, one that transcends time and distance and is truly unique and irreplaceable."

        A FRESH day began once more, and it was the moment for the royal family to address the populace concerning the news they had divulged to the general public. It was stupefying and required a comprehensive explanation about this prevalent topic of contention. While the royal family was attending to address the populace, an individual arrived at the main door of a hat shop nearby to the central park. The fair lady had lengthy hair that reached her ankles, was clad in boots and a coat, and stepped inside the establishment.

The employee on the counter greeted the individual who had entered the facility with enthusiasm. "Welcome, customer. How may I serve you?" The man sported a steampunk top hat, glasses, coat, and his entire body was tightly wrapped in bandages, reminiscent of a mummy from the ancient Egyptian era. "A simple request, if I may," the woman stated, concealing her face with a hat. The man turned towards her, and after briefly eyeing her, posed her a peculiar inquiry that resembled a conundrum.

"Alright, why is a raven is like a writing desk?" He exclaimed to the mysterious woman with a dash of glee in his voice, eagerly awaiting her reply. "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat."  She responded as she raised her head, unveiling her identity with her face and continued, speaking softly but in a melodic voice. "Greetings... Mr. Cowell Midford."

"Ah, Ms. Dalimar, have you come for the white hat or the blue hat?" He inquired while showing both hats in each of his hands. Veronica eyed the hats as she attempted to find the correct answer to his riddle.

"A white hat for someone," she stated with a grin on her face, as she folded her arms in a neutral manner while engaging in a conversation with Cowell. "I see," Cowell replied thoughtfully as he assumed a contemplative stance. "Do you possess the fabric for the hat?" he inquired. "I am clueless regarding its specific fabric-type label; however, I am certain that this fair woman is a red-head maid employed by Vladimir and also the same experiment subject as him like what you mentioned from before. I wish to acquire information concerning her heritage if you don't mind." She inquired impatiently.

"Ahh, you must be referring to Experiment #880-704, which is commonly known as the infamous Jill the Reaper. Indeed, she and her kin Experiment #857-504, otherwise known as Jack the Reaper, possess a disturbing history that took place within the realm of the Crowfield. Allow me to peruse my records, and I shall soon discover the required data." Cowell explained as he turned away from her and started investigating through his extensive collections of hats and books, which were placed neatly on his shelves and drawers.

As Veronica patiently waited for Cowell to look through his records, she inquired about something else, requesting for information about a specific individual. "So, what about Jiang-Li behind that door?" she queried, indicating the door that was situated to his immediate right. Veronica's gaze swept over the surrounding area, which was strewn with a profusion of hats and books, along with a conspicuous lack of any other noteworthy features.

"Jiang-Li is doing well; as you said, he is still executing his practices of exorcism, something I am unacquainted with. My knowledge does not extend beyond the fact that he is a native of Zhonghua, and someone was seeking him. Furthermore, the individual's backstory remains a mystery. Ahh, Here it is." He explained as he eventually stumbled upon the file he had been attempting to look for.

Van Deloney: To My Dearest Emma [[BOOK ONE]]Where stories live. Discover now