Chapter Three

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I wanted to react to this, but before I could, Anne walked in. I quickly shoved the paper into my back pocket and picked up nearby mail to make it seem like I was just reading them.

"Hey... What are you doing?" She stared at me for a bit, probably sensing my suspicion.

"Oh, nothing. Just looking at my mail. I'm still waiting on my mom's, uh, gift..." I said, sounding totally unconvincing.

"Oh, well... Don't worry, it'll come soon." She still sounded unsure and I could sense the suspicion, but I didn't push it further and neither did she. She smiled and left to the kitchen.

Nice save, Montse.

I left to my bedroom and shut the door, locking it behind me. I took out the note and just stared at it. What should I do now? I unfolded it and read it over and over until I wanted to vomit. God... This note is so cliché and stupid. Who even wrote it? It is purely absurd and disturbing to even think that someone would write such a creepy note. Even though it seemed as if it was out of good nature, it still wasn't appropriate. At all. What if he or she is just luring me into something terrible?!

I let out a long sigh. I wasn't even that scared anymore, I just didn't know what to do. Actually, maybe I shouldn't take this so seriously. Perhaps it's meant to be taken lightly..? UGH! My mind is just cluttered with all of these stupid thoughts, I can't even think straight.

Wait a minute...

I looked at the note again, eyeing the bottom of it. How did I miss this?!

The bottom of the note was signed off to "R.T."
I wonder who R.T is. I don't even know a person with the initials of R.T. Well, I do know one person whose name starts with an R...

"Fuck this." I said. I'd rather not deal with this, to be quite frank. I tore up the paper and threw it in my trash can and went on with my life.

I smiled a bit. Tearing and throwing that note away made me feel a bit better, no matter how odd that sounds. It's as if when I threw it away, the burdens of this creep were thrown away as well. I just hope I'm not wrong.

Turns out, I'd be wrong.

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