Chapter Seventeen

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Ding dong!

"Who is it?!"

"It's me. Roger."

"Hold on a second!"

The door soon opened to reveal that familiar Persian face of Freddie Bulsara.

"Ah, come in, Roger." He spoke in his tenor, posh voice.

I walked in, making my way to the living room. I sat on the couch, with Freddie following suit.

"Soo... Montse and I went out Saturday night."

"Did you go to the restaurant I suggested?!" Freddie asked eagerly.

"Yes, we did. And let me just say; it is a superb place and all, but there happens to be the biggest douche bag working there!" I said. Just remembering that bloke annoyed me as much as he did in real life.

"Oh, Roger. Why do you say that?"

"Because! He kept gawking at Montse in ways that only I can!"

"Only you can? Oh, stop with that shit!" He said, letting out a sore laugh while slapping my knee.

"I'm serious, Freddie!" I retorted.

"Damn, that shrill voice of yours!" He exclaimed, while jokingly covering his ears.

He laughed even more which caused me to crack a smile. Soon enough, I would be joining in on the fit of cackling.

"Ooooh, that was a good laugh." Freddie sighed out as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

I began to calm down as well, imitating Freddie's actions of wiping away tears of laughter.

  "Oh, Roger dear. Did you tell Montse know?" He asked innocently.

  I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Um, yes. Yes, I did. Everything's good now... She's very understanding... So, got any beer?" I asked, clearly trying to avoid any further explaining.

  I don't like lying, but it has to be done.

He gave me a perplexed look, but then his expression turned into one of ease. "Good. I'm glad. And yes, always! Come on." He said. We both got up from the couch and went into the kitchen where he grabbed two bottles of Heineken out of a mini fridge, which was specially there to hold alcoholic drinks.

  Man, things just come so easy for me.

While quietly sipping our drinks, I decided to tell him of my upcoming plans.

"You know, Montse and I are going out on another date."

"You are?" He asked bewildered.

"Um, yes... What? Thought it wasn't possible?" I questioned while wiggling my eyebrows. "No, but seriously. Why such a shock to you?"

"It's just's just so soon, Roger! You two went out on Saturday and a day later, you've already got new plans? I'd give it a week if I were you!" He replied, putting down his drink in a dramatic manner.

"Calm down, Fred.. But, is it? Is it really too soon? Should I have waited?!" I asked desperately.

I began to worry... A lot...

Perhaps I'm overreacting, though. I mean, if it was "too soon," wouldn't she have declined?

Oh wait... I did practically force her into it. Well, I wouldn't say forced... I successfully coaxed her... But of course I wouldn't tell him that...

"Well, I don't know... Maybe it isn't. But, to me it is..." He took a sip of his beer, then quickly put it down, clearly wanting to add more to his answer.

"Ah! Don't listen to me, Roger! You know how slow I take things... But that doesn't mean that you have to as well... I'm assuming she agreed to it anyways, so it's okay. You guys worked out everything, so more time together will put you into an even better place, you know? Just do what you want, darling." He assured me. "But, don't ruin it with your stupid stalking acts! I wonder how she took it once you confessed!"

  "Mhmm." I simply replied, taking a long swig of my beer.

  Of course I'll do what I want. Things seem to go better my way, anyways. And I guess he'll keep on wondering because there's no way he'll actually know. Whether I tell him or not, it would not measure out correctly.

  I'm a lying bloke, but I like it better that way frankly.

He patted my shoulder and gave me his toothy smile.

"Shit, forgot to cover that up." He said, pointing at his mouth.

"Oh, shut it! There's nothing wrong with your damn teeth, you son of a gun!" I asserted him with all honesty this time, while nudging his shoulder.

"I feel the love with those kind words you say." He chuckled as he nudged me back, almost spilling his drink.

"Careful, you'll spill it all over my expensive shoes!" I cautioned.

He slowly shifted his gaze down to my shoes.

"Those? Really?" He stifled his laugh and so did I. My "expensive" shoes were actually worn out sandals that I've had for over a year now.

"Made you look, hahaha!" I burst out laughing at my lame joke, causing another cackling session.

After about two hours of slight drinking (not even enough to make me tipsy), laughter, smoking, and talking, it was time to go home.

"It was nice being here, but I think I should go now." I announced putting out my cigarette and making my way to the front door.

Freddie followed behind me and we said our goodbyes.

"See ya, Roger!"

"Farewell, Fred!"

A/N: Not my best chapter in my opinion... But, it's just filling in while I brainstorm ideas. Most likely I will come up with something by tomorrow, so stay tuned my friends. :)

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