Chapter Four

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Monday has finally arrived. I can once again go see her at her finest. You see, Montse owns her own business. What I don't understand though is that she comes in every single day. Ha! If I owned my own business, I sure as hell wouldn't come in at all! But you know, she does it at her own expense. She's actually quite passionate about it. Me, on the other hand, I'd let others take care of it! That's just how I go about, I suppose. But as I said, she's determined to keep her store in shape and I absolutely love that about her.

I usually come by to see her there about 3 times a week, so I'm considered a regular. And no, that's not weird. I do it for her and really, aren't I doing her a favor by spending loads of money there?! Overall what I'm trying to say is, it's not odd.

Anyways, although I go primarily for her, I do find genuine interest in her business. Like I said, I spend big bucks on things that I actually like. For example, she sells such nice clothing that she designs herself! She also sells extraordinary paintings, home decor, cosmetics, you name it! Her store is actually quite popular now that I think of it. I often see shit loads of people dropping by there. Shit! Who wouldn't go there anyways?! It's run by the most beautiful girl there is.


I sat up abruptly, causing a massive headache to form. I just had the most disturbing dream I've ever had.
This man was following me home at night... I can't really remember how he looked... It's just all a blur.
But what I do remember is that he was chasing me and I, for some strange reason, couldn't move my legs fast enough to run away. Soon enough, he caught up to me. That's where the dream ended. No matter how vague it was, it scared me.

"I don't want to go to work," I sighed out. Eventually, I reluctantly got out of bed and started getting ready. All the while, I couldn't help but feel iffy. Like I should expect something to happen later.


"I'm leaving now," I yelled at Anne. "You should get up too, lazy ass!"

I heard her yell back "Shut up!" as I walked out the door. She'll thank me later when she's not late to work.

When I got to work, I couldn't help but feel proud as I opened the door to my very own business. This is what I always wanted...and finally, this is what I got. I smiled to myself as I thought about that.

I put away my coat and purse in the lounge room and prepared everything for the day. Now, I didn't have to come into my own business because I have employees who can do the job, but I'd rather help. My life would be so dull if I didn't come in to work. I'd probably go insane.

A couple of minutes later, two of my workers popped in, ready for work. I truly loved my employees. They are extremely kind and hard working and that's exactly what I need here.

"Good morning, Ms. Jones!" The two youngsters greeted.

"I've told you before, you can call me by my first name! You guys make me feel so old!" I playfully put my hands over my face.

"Sorry!" Tom, one of my workers, said as he rubbed my back giggling.

"It's hard to get used to, you know? I mean, c'mon, you're our boss!" Jenna said, the other worker.

"I'm a cool boss, though. So please, call me Montse!" I winked at them as they giggled and went off to work.

But, seriously. I'm not even that old. I'm 24, for Gods sake.

Anyways, it's about time we open up for a new day. I flipped the open/closed sign over to open.

Time for business.

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